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性别: 注册于 2022-09-02

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2022-09-27 19:37 回答问题

前面老师已经说得很详细了,我来引用《新牛津美语辞典》里关于这两个词的辨析作一点补充。原文:Between is used in speaking of two things, people, etc.: we must choose between two equally unattractive alternatives. Among is used for collective and undefined relations of usually three or more: agreement on landscaping was reached among all the neighbors. But where there are more than two parties involved, between may be used to express one-to-one relationships of pairs within the group or the sense 'shared by': there is close friendship between the members of the club; diplomatic relations between the US, Canada, and Mexico.我个人挑出的重点就是,between强调的是两个事物间一对一的关系,比如你和我,他和她,既是是一个远多于两人的大团体内用between,表示的也是团体成员彼此之间的一对一关系(one-to-one relationships),比如A和B,B和C,A和C等等的关系都很好。但是要表达一对多的关系时,就要用到among,比如:You're among friends.  你有很多朋友。(但是没有说你与每个朋友具体的亲近程度)He was among the first 29 students enrolled.  他在第一批登记入学的二十九名学生里。(没有涉及他与其他二十八名学生里每个人的关系)Snakes are among the animals most feared by humans.  蛇类是最害怕人类的动物之一。(如上)

2022-09-27 19:00 回答问题

表明“XX情况可能发生”这件事的存在 = 表明存在“XX情况可能发生”这件事在这里presnce(存在)用来表示和修饰某件事的存在属性,即表明某件事是否发生,是否存在,是否出现在现场等,而不是等于存在的事物本身(它也可以用作代词表示a person or thing that exists or is present in a place but is not seen,但在题主的例句中显然不是这种用法)。既然这个词是用来表示和修饰事物的某一属性的,就应该在后面加of,就像表示某物的颜色时用 color of something,表示某物的高度时用 height of something,那么要表达某一事物存在与否时当然也可以用 presence of something

2022-09-27 11:42 发起提问