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2016-10-13 13:47 回答问题

问题解答    hundreds of 后面不可以接单数名词或可数名词。hundreds of的具体用法可以参考各位老师的点评,此处不再赘述。原句大意    通过你们的视频视频,我已经留下了几百页打印纸的笔记病处修改    I have hundreds of sheets of printer paper, (which are) covered in notes I took on your video原文点评    该试卷错误百出。如果真是高考试题的话,那会成为一个国际笑话。    (老外观点:The entire text is full of mistakes and was obviously not written by a native (or even very good) English speaker. I certainly would not use this resource to help me learn English if I were you.)

2016-10-10 22:36 回答问题

原文片段These effects of the Internet have become even more striking since I’ve begun using a smartphone. I now regularly pull out my phone to check a fact, watch a video, read weibo. Such activities fill the spaces that used to be dead time (such as waiting for somebody to arrive for a lunch meeting).变换语句(应该是中国人设计)●Smartphones make it easier and more (79) ▲ to check reality, watch video clips, read weibo.语义辨析原文中的check a fact地道自然。check a fact就是检查核验一个传闻是不是真实存在。变换语句中的check reality生硬而费解。给人的感觉是:要查验现实世界是不是真实存在的。老外助阵老外1:What is the source of the quote? I have a strong feeling that 'check reality' is being wrongly used. 老外2:You are real. The phone is real. "Reality" refers to the whole world that is real. You shouldn't have to use the phone to "check reality." It sounds like you want to make sure the rest of the world still exists.语义定位既然check reality来源于check a fact,那就按照原文翻译为“核查事实”吧多余的话这大概就是高考的尴尬——命题人常常武断地设制题目,定死答案。Good luck to you

2016-07-02 09:56 回答问题

    你所提供的例子来自一本语法书。正确答案:    had she been原因解析:-Alice came back home the day before yesterday.-Really? Where____?    完成时(包括过去完成时)的一个重要的功能就是用来对比一句话中两个动作的先后关系。这个对话中第一个人说Alice前天回家了,第二个人接着问:之前她去了哪?因此这是两个过去动作的时间比较,“去”发生在过去的动词came之前。所以,应该用过去完成时。如果使用“has she been”(也是“之前她去了哪”的意思),那么听话人就不明白问的是哪个时间段的问题:是问came之前去了哪,还是问 came之后到现在为止去了哪。所以,“where has she been”是绝对错误的,甚至在口语中也不行。但是,有的情况下就可以用现在完成时,比如,一个老师看到某个同学的座位是空的,就可以问:where has she gone或where did she go.老外观点:我的求助:The following question is cited from a set of grammar exercises.- Alice came back home the day before yesterday.- Really? Where ______?  A. has she been B. had she been  C. has she gone D. had she goneThe correct answer is B. However, my choise is A. Which one do you is possible?老外No: there is a simple past tense in "came back", so Alice's whereabouts before that are further back in the past, for which you need the pluperfect tense. Option (B)  would be grammatically correct.注:问了不止一个老外,但是没有一个人认为A是可选项。

2016-06-25 18:28 回答问题

    既然不再有别人回答,我就啰嗦几句。    用法介绍    相信你已经知道“sb/sth has yet to do sth”这个结构的用法了。它表示“某人还没有做某事(尽管早就该做了)”。(根据《朗文当代英语词典》)    此外,这个结构有时也可以表示“某个结果(一般为不好的结果)还没有发生”。(根据《Collins English Usage (En-En)》)    作为固定短语,这个结构的变种“sb/sth has still to do sth”目前尚没有被发现,所以我们不应该随意改变这种约定俗称的结构,就像我们不能随便改变一个汉语成语的结构一样。不过 第二句倒也的确传达了和第一句一样的意思,尽管它有点怪异。    问题答案    基于上面的介绍,对你的回答是:第一句正确,第二句欠妥。    老外观点(节选)    老外1:It sounds strange.The first sentence sounds fine with "yet". But when you substitute "still" I want to change the word order:They still have not studied the problem in depth.    老外2:I'm trying, and failing, to imagine a sentence where I could use "has still to be."     结尾赘言    我的解释很短,但是自以为足以解决你的困惑了。另外,对你这种大胆发散,用于探索的精神表示佩服。

2016-06-24 15:31 回答问题

难点解析1.four six-line stanzas字面意思为:四个节(每个节六个诗行:ababcc)。也就是:四个包含六行文字的诗节。2.quatrain-couplet 意思为:四行诗的对句(有点类似于对联,两个对句内部的音节数目要相同,而且结尾要押韵)3.“The four six-line stanzas of this poem follow a quatrain-couplet rhyme scheme: ABABCC”的主语是stanzas,谓语是follow,宾语是scheme.4.metered in iambic tetrameter:metered字面意思为“量”,就像量体裁衣一样严格控制格律,但是这里说话人其实玩了一个文字游戏,因为meter作为名词的意思是格律;in是“按照”的意思。第一句翻译这首诗的四个诗节——每节六行,都遵循了四行诗的对句押韵格律:ababcc。注解从ababcc来看,该诗歌的对句押韵规律是:一三句押一个韵,二四句押一个韵,五六句押一个韵。第二句翻译Each line is metered in iambic tetrameter.每一行都严格按照抑扬四音步诗句的格律。

2016-06-24 00:35 回答问题

对应回答两者都行,但是略有区别。She is skilled in/at designing web sites 偏重于受到良好的训练。She is skilful/skillful in/at designing web sites偏重于娴熟灵巧。老外解析回答原文:    老外一    Either adjective is suitable, Long. I'd use "skilled" if I wanted to highlight the idea that she has received excellent training in designing web sites.I might use "skillful" if I wanted to highlight the idea that she is designing in a skillful way.汉语意思:    两个形容词都行的。如果我想强调她在网页设计方面受过良好的训练,我就会使用“skilled”。如果我想强调她构思的巧妙娴熟,我可能会使用“skillful”。    老外二    “A skilled designer” is someone who has learnt a skill (e.g. carpenter, plumber) “A skilful designer” is one who is a good job.常见搭配与介词搭配(都可以接at/in sth/doing sth)1.He is skillful at diplomacy.2.an artist skillful in the use of color以上两句来自《Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary》 3.After a few years, he became very skilful at drawing.来自《Longman DOCE 5th Ed.》skilled in/at sth/doing sth: She is highly skilled at dealing with difficult customers.来自《Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary 8th Ed.》与名词搭配1.a skilful footballer来自《Longman DOCE 5th Ed.》2.There is a shortage of skilled workers.来自《Longman DOCE5 Extras (En-En)》

2016-06-21 22:20 回答问题

    看了你的标题,我不知道该不该来回答你的问题,因为一旦我回答了,就好像有越俎代庖、自讨没趣之嫌。但是鉴于我喜欢挑战疑难,又真心希望帮你释疑解困,就冒昧多嘴了。词义定位    The implications(划横线的单词意为“可能的后果”——依据《新牛津英汉词典》)of disinfection by-products (DBPs)(“副作用”——依据“牛津高阶英汉词典”) )present in(“存在在于”——依据《新牛津英汉词典》) drinking water are of public health(“公共卫生”——依据《美国传统词典》) concern because of their potential mutagenic, carcinogenic and other toxic effects on humans.结构分析    一、句子主干:The implications are of public health concerns    主系表结构,其中的联系动词“be”和后面的“ of短语”属于“be of"结构,它常用来介绍事物的属性、特征。    二、主干意译:“可能的后果引发了人们对公共卫生的担忧。”    三、修饰成份:    1、定语:“of disinfection by-products (DBPs) present in drinking water”为定语,修饰“implications”,译为“存在于饮用水当中的消毒物的副作用”    2、状语:“because of their potential mutagenic, carcinogenic and other toxic effects on humans”为原因状语,意译为“由于其潜在的‘诱导肌体突变’和‘致癌’的作用、及其它的毒福作用”全句翻译    1、基本直译:    由于其潜在的‘诱导肌体突变’和‘致癌’的作用、及其它的毒福作用,存在于引用水中的消毒物的副作用可能的后果,引发了人们对于公共卫生的担忧。    2、全句意译:    由于其潜在的‘诱导肌体突变’和‘致癌’的作用、及其它的毒福作用,存在于引用水中消毒物(残留)的副作用可能的后果(危害),引发了人们对于公共卫生的担忧。    即,    由于其潜在的‘诱导肌体突变’和‘致癌’的作用、及其它的毒福作用,引用水中消毒物残留的危害,引发了人们对于公共卫生的担忧。

2016-06-07 17:39 回答问题

典故介绍    “include me out”出自Samuel Goldwyn之口,他是一个语病百出的电影制片人。本来“include something/somebody in”才符合逻辑,但是被他说成了“include …… out”。后来“include……out”被人们当作一个具有幽默意思的固定短语沿用下来。词义辨微    exclude本身含有out的意思,因此exclude out犯了语义重复的毛病。再说,如果用“asked to be excluded”就失去了那点俏皮幽默的意思。深度求证    为了确保自己的解说不是不切实际的凭空想象,特向老外求证,并且获得如下答复:“Yes, you are right. ‘Include me out' is a quote from Samuel Goldwyn, and is humorous because of its inherent paradox(意为“自相矛盾”).If you change it to ‘exclude me out', you are essentially(本质上) saying the same thing, but replacing the paradox with tautology. 'Exclude' already implies 'out', so there's no need to say ‘out'.”祝您进步    That's all. Hope it helps.

2016-06-07 15:18 回答问题


2016-06-05 12:45 关注了问题