
性别: 注册于 2016-03-24

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句末的a changed man是什么成分

主语补语,补充说明主语的。如:She went away quite a child and returned a grown-up woman. 她离家时还是个小姑娘,回来时已经是个成年妇女了。你的句子意思是:我父亲从战场回来后,已是另一个人。

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先请看代词的英文解释:1. A pronoun is a word that you use to refer to someone or something when you do not need to use a noun, often because the person or thing has been mentioned earlier. Examples are "it," "she," "something," and "myself." 2....

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a random but natural phenomenon中为什么用but

这里的 but 就是“却;而”的意思啊。random 和 natural 之间的语义关系略含转折的意味,随意的并不意味着就是自热而然的。整句话意思是“毫无疑问,地球正变得更暖和,而且全球变暖正是人类活动导致的而不是一个随意却自然而然(产生)的现象。”

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have an eye to doing和pay attention to doing的区别

我查了各大词典,没有have an eye to doing sth这种用法,谷歌搜了下,也没这种句子,应是中式英语,倒是有with an eye to (doing) sth,意思是for the purpose of (doing) something,“为了(做)某事”。而pay attention to doing sth则是“留意做某事”,意思不一样。

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There was pushing of the cart by Tom是否要加冠词


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句首的More than just a calculator是什么句子成分

这应该还是表语的一部分,把它还原为正常的语序为:This is a complete personal organisation system more than just a calculator.可以理解为:This is  more than just a calculator;this is a complete personal organisation system.或:This is more a complete personal organisation system than just a calc...

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denotata 是 denotatum 的复数形式,denotatum 的意思是 something that is denoted; a referent“指示物,指示对象”。

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通过我使用各大词典的经验,我觉得中国人编写的词典不大可信,如《21世纪大英汉词典》不可全信,因为我发现过其中不少明显的错误。我查了各大词典,没查到drink表示breathe in的意思,都是take in a liquid的意思。而你给的这个例子,也不是“吸烟”的意思,而是For example, the verb drink can mean 'consume liquid by...

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to get away from an inferno修饰的是什么

作目的状语,修饰谓语 snaked。句子主干是 A long convoy snaked through...整句意思是:一长串装着一万五千多人、被加拿大皇家骑警护送的的汽车和卡车车队正蜿蜒行进在这座偏远城市的郊区,以逃避已烧焦了390平方英里领土、吞噬1600多座建筑的大火灾。

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be fundamental to do sth与be fundamental to doing s

keeping。因为 fundamental to 这个搭配中的 to 是介词,后接名词或动名词作宾语。

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