
性别: 注册于 2021-05-14

85 经验值
主页被访问 1259 次


2021-12-11 17:18 发起提问

2021-11-11 14:27 发起提问

2021-10-19 09:18 发起提问

2021-10-18 16:33 发起提问

2021-09-29 21:17 回答问题


2021-09-29 10:17 回答问题

Hope to +现在完成时表没有实现的愿望;如 I hope to have seen you yesterday, but I didn’t have time. 所以你的这个句子意思是:我原本希望今天可以在中午之前到达机场(其实没有).类似的表达还有:would love to have done, expect to have done, mean to have done, plan to have done, wish to have done 等。如:I would love to have gone to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report. 而hope to arrive只是表达对未来的某种希望;不表示结果如何.

2021-09-28 17:46 回答问题

请注意,这里的问题是:intruding themselves, 用的是反身代词,由此可以判断Elizabeth是他们(they)中的一员,即是东道主中的一员;按照常规理解,东道主一般会盛情挽留客人多住几日;可能的情况是,Elizabeth作为东道主的一员,心理不乐意客人们再多住下去,她当然也不希望客人们主动提出再多住几日;但同时又担心(fearful), 如果不主动提出让客人多住几日,别人会认为Elizabeth一家感觉客人已经住的很久了,打扰的太多了,希望客人们走;这其实是反映了Elizabeth内心的矛盾状态. 可以理解为:Elizabeth was positively resolved against (the guests’)staying longer, nor did she much expect it would be asked and (she was) fearful, on the contrary, as(if it wouldn’t be asked, the guests were)being considered as intruding themselves needlessly long.

2021-09-27 19:00 回答问题

这个题:There are two buildings, ___ stands nearly a hundred feet high.你如果想选择C,可以修改为:There are two buildings, and the larger one stands nearly a hundred feet high. 或改为: There are two buildings, and the larger is the one that stands nearly a hundred feet high.你对比一下

2021-09-20 07:56 发起提问

2021-08-04 17:31 回答问题

句子中的 juggle理解为有效地,充分地使用;因为是位染匠,染织衣服要搭配调色,不断地改进以求最佳;所以才会有许多测试(tests),在各种场合使用这件衣服(blouse),测试潜在消费者的观感.