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最佳答案 2014-04-15 21:22

▲不知你查的是什么词典,我查了手头的词典,contact基本上只用作及物动词,所以要表示“与……人联系”,它后面是不能接to, with 等介词的。如:

I’ve been trying to contact him, but I haven’t managed to. 我试图同他联系,但未能成功。

You can always contact me on 0325642. 你可以经常用0325642这个电话号码与我联系。

Not knowing her address, I wasn’t able to contact her. 由于不知道她的地址,我没法和她联系。

Should you be interested in our offer, please contact us. 你若对我们的报价感兴趣,请与我们联系。

Anyone interested in joining the club should contact us at the address below. 有意加入俱乐部者请按下面的地址和我们联系。


He kept in constant contact with his family while he was in Australia. 他在澳大利亚时一直和家人保持着联系。

Animals have died as a consequence of coming into contact with this chemical. 已经有动物因为接触了这些化学物而死亡。

I don’t have much contact with my family, but I do see my mother occasionally. 我现在和我的家人没有多少来往, 但是我的确不时看看我母亲。


1. 如动词 beg 表示“请求,恳求”“乞求,乞求”时,可用作及物或不及物动词,以下各例中的括号内的介词可以省略:

She begged (of) me not to tell her parents. 她求我不要告诉她的父母。

He was so poor he had to beg (for) money from passers-by. 他穷得要向行人乞求布施。

2. 又如conceive表示“想出”或“认为”时,可及物或不及物,及物时直接跟宾语,不及物时借助介词of跟宾语,所以类似下面这样的句子中的of可省略:

He conceived (of) a good idea. 他想出了一个好主意。

The ancients conceived (of) the world as being flat. 古人认为地球是扁的。

3. 再如 confess(承认)可用作及物或不及物动词,不及物时,若后接宾语,则借助介词to,所以下面一句中的介词to可以省略:

He confessed (to) having done it. 他承认是他干的。

4. 其他更多例句如:

The policeman signed (to, for) me to stop. 警察示意我停下。

They fought (with) the enemy bravely. 他们勇敢地同敌人作战。

We must seek (for) a solution to the problem. 我们必须寻求解决问题的办法。

Only five people fled (from) the burning house. 只有5个人从起火的房屋里逃了出来。

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在英语错误中,及物动词+介词+宾语(是常见的一种。所谓及物动词,就是谓语动词(predicative verb),不必通过介词引荐宾语。相反的,不及物动词是不带宾语的。有许多动词,虽然性质是及物的,但不一定要有宾语,如下列的aa便是这种情形:  

a. We study every day.

 b. Do you study English every day.

a. Please write clearly next time.

 b. Can you write your composition now?



a. The children are listening the music.

  b. The children are listening to the music.

a. She is laughing the crippled man.

  b. She is laughing at the crippled man.

反之,及物动词不必靠介词,就可以带宾语,如上述的bb ,又如

John is giving a book to me.

Who will answer this question?


Who will answer to this question?


“We have many buyers awaiting for available units here.”

“Awaiting”是个及物动词,后面的介词“for”是多余的,要去掉;不然把“awaiting”改为“waiting for”也行。


不及物动词是动词的一种形式,所谓不及物动词(vi.)就是所表示的动作本身意义完整,动词后面不(需要)带宾语。例如: Time flies.

光阴似箭。 如果要带宾语,就需要后面接介词。例如: Please listen to the teacher carefully.



My mother cleans the kitchen every day.


Please keep the room clean and tidy.


Sound travels slower than light.


许多人习惯上喜欢把介词加到及物动词后面,然后才带出宾语。最常见的是“emphasize/stress on/upon”“discuss about”,如:

Singaporeans seem to have emphasized on material gains.

In our education system, we stress upon examination results.

World leaders spent a lot of time discussing about worsening economic problems.


下面是些类似的错误: ● The young must obey to their elders. ● Do not approach to that odd-looking man. ● The audience attacked on the rude speaker. ● Nothing can escape from his parents' eyes. ● Do you hope to serve for your nation? ● When did Susan marry with Paul?

介词“to, on, from, for, with”都要去掉才对。


I did not answer him./ I did not reply to him.

He reached Londan yesterday./ He arrived in London yesterday.


Don't approach such a person.

Is oral practice a good approach to language teaching?

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  • Terry 提出于 2014-04-14 09:49
