请问I suppose to be...是什么意思?有被动用法吗?

请问I suppose to be...是什么意思?有被动用法(I am/was supposed to be)吗?

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最佳答案 2016-07-01 08:14

    我没有找到 suppose to be... 的例句,但是找到了 suppose sb. to be...和 be supposed to be... 的例句:

    All of his friends will suppose her to be his wife. =  All of his friends will suppose that she is his wife.他所有的朋友都会以为她是他的太太。/ He is supposed to be there on time. 按理他应准时到那儿。(摘自外研社、建宏《英汉多功能词典》)

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陈才   - 英语教师

请问I suppose to be...是什么意思?有被动用法(I am/was supposed to be)吗?



【1】suppose +宾语

You are only supposing this on hearsay, you have no proof.   你只是根据传闻想象而已,并没有证据。

Many scientists hold the theory that supposes the existence of life in outer space.   很多科学家持有假定在外部空间还有生命存在的理论。

Every effect supposes a cause.   一切果都必有因。

An invention supposes an inventor.   要发明得先有发明者。

Purpose supposes foresight.   目的意味着预见。

His plan supposes a universal desire for peace.   

【2】suppose +从句(宾语从句)

I suppose (that) he is about forty. 我猜他大概四十岁。

I suppose we'll have lunch at Beijing Hotel.   我想我们将在北京饭店吃饭。

As she's not here,I suppose she must have gone home.   因为她不在这儿,所以我猜想她一定已回家了。

Come to think of it,I suppose that is my fault.   细想一下,我认为那是我的过错。

What makes you suppose that I'm against it?   你根据什么推测我反对这事?

I hadn't supposed that I should get the first prize.   我一点也没有想到会得一等奖。

I had always supposed that you and Mrs. Rose would make a match of it.  我一直认为你和露丝太太结婚很合适。

Suppose you won a thousand pounds, what would you do with it?   假如你赢了一千英镑,你将用这笔钱做什么?

Suppose we hadn't helped him, what would have happened?   假定我们没有帮助他,那么会出现什么情况?

Suppose your teacher saw you do that, what would he say?   倘若你的老师看到你做那事,他会说什么?

“Daddy, can I watch TV?”“Suppose you did your homework first?”  “爸爸,我能看电视吗?”“你先做功课,怎么样?

Suppose they didn't believe it, how should we convince them?   要是他们不相信,怎样让他们相信呢?

I haven't got a tablecloth.Suppose we use a sheet.   我可没有桌布,我们用一条床单怎么样?

Suppose you organize it, and I'll be the teacher.   你来组织,我当教员,怎么样?

Suppose we plant tea shrubs on these hills.   咱们在这些山上种茶树怎么样?

Suppose we set out at seven. What do you say?   咱们七点动身,你看如何?

I don't suppose (that) anyone will object to my absence.   我想不会有人反对我请假的。

I don't suppose (that) I shall be back until eight o'clock.   我看我在八点以前回不来。

I don't suppose I'll trouble you again.   我想我不会再来打扰你了。

I don't suppose we need to worry.   我看我们不必着急。

I don't suppose it's the rush hour yet.   我想现在还不是交通拥挤的时刻。

I don't suppose you're serious, are you?   我想你并不是当真的,对吗?

I don't suppose anyone will volunteer, will they?   我想没人会自愿,对吗?

What do you suppose that dance is?   你认为那是什么舞?

【3】suppose+宾语+to be +(n/adj/prep-phrase)

All her neighbours supposed her to be an actress.   街坊都以为她是一个演员。

I should suppose him to be about fifty.   我猜想他大约50岁。

I supposed you both at school this morning.   我以为今天上午你们两都去上学了

4suppose+宾语+ +n/adj.

I never supposed him a hero.   我从未把他想象成英雄

They supposed him dead.   他们以为他死了。

5suppose+宾语+to do

They suppose the box to contain books.   他们猜想这箱子里装的是书。


He supposed himself doing the best thing.   他以为他做得最好。

【7】suppose so/not

“Will he come?” “I suppose so.”   “他会来吗?”“我想会。”

“Has he arrived?”“I suppose so.”   “他已经到了吗?”“我想已经到了。”

“I suppose you'll be going to the movie?”“No,I don't suppose so.”  “我想你要去看电影?”“我不想去。”

“Is Linda coming?”“I suppose not.”   林达来了吗?“我想她没来。”


You don't mind my smoking,I suppose?   我想,你不介意我抽烟吧?

That, she supposes, was the way they divided labor.   那是他们劳动分工的方式,她想。

关于动词be supposed to do详细用法如下:

【1】主语+be supposed to be+(名词/形容词/介词短语)

I haven't seen it myself, but it's supposed to be a very good film.  我本人没看过,不过人们认为它是一部很好的影片。

Sing up, fellows, this is supposed to be a celebration, not a funeral!  伙计们,大声唱,这是开庆祝会,不是送葬!

His wound was at first supposed to be fatal and it was announced that he could not live.   起先他的伤被看成是致命的,并宣布说他活不了了。

They were supposed to be here an hour ago.   他们应该在一小时以前到达这里。

Sam is commonly supposed (to be) foolish.   大家都认为萨姆愚蠢。

Business was not as good as it was supposed to be.   生意没有所想象的那样好。

There is supposed to be a train at 2:00.   二点钟想必有一班火车。

At the present moment he is supposed to be in town.   估计现在他是在城里。

Every pupil is supposed to be in his classroom at 9 a.m.   上午9点时每个学生都应当在教室里。

He is supposed to be at work at the moment.   人们认为他目前在干活。

【2】主语+be supposed to do (主语理应当作某事)

You are supposed to report it to the police as soon as possible.  你应该尽快将这件事报告警方。

Who is supposed to look after Jack?   杰克应由谁照顾?

Am I supposed to clean all the rooms or just this one?   我是应该打扫所有的房间,还是只这一间?

Your're supposed to pay the bill by Friday.   你最晚在星期五结清这笔账。

Is the machine supposed to be installed here?   机器是否应安装在这里呢?

This law is supposed to help the poor.   人们指望这条法律会帮助穷人。

You slide your coin into the machine here, and that is supposed to start it working.   你把硬币插入机器,这样机器就可以开动了。

This coat was supposed to keep rain out, but the water has soaked through.   这件外衣说是能防雨,但雨水照样渗了进来。

She was supposed to have already left for home.   大家认为她已经动身回家了

No one was supposed to walk on the grass.   请不要在草地上行走。

You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.   你不能在公共汽车上抽烟。

【特别备注:后面不能直接跟不定式to do;但是可以接从句】

I supposed to have left my book in the library .(False) 

I supposed that I have left my book in the library(True) 


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