2 yet与still的区别(涉及have to be pp与be to be pp)

The problem has yet to be studied in depth. 

The problem has still to be studied in depth. 

上面两句哪句对?都对吗?若是这样,那用 yet 与用 still 的区别是什么?

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最佳答案 2018-01-25 08:24



    相信你已经知道“sb/sth has yet to do sth”这个结构的用法了。它表示“某人还没有做某事(尽管早就该做了)”。(根据《朗文当代英语词典》)

    此外,这个结构有时也可以表示“某个结果(一般为不好的结果)还没有发生”。(根据《Collins English Usage (En-En)》)

    作为固定短语,这个结构的变种“sb/sth has still to do sth”目前尚没有被发现。一般而言,我们不能随意改变这种约定俗成的结构,就像我们不能随便改变一个汉语成语的结构一样。不过,第二句倒也的确传达了和第一句一样的意思,尽管它有点怪异。




    老外1:It sounds strange.The first sentence sounds fine with "yet". But when you substitute "still" I want to change the word order:They still have not studied the problem in depth.

    老外2:I'm trying, and failing, to imagine a sentence where I could use "has still to be." 



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其它 2 个回答

沅老师   - 英语教师


▲这样用的 still 应该不是问题,它的意思是“仍然”“还”,用于肯定句是它的通常用法。这里重点说说 yet 的用法。yet用作副词,通常用于否定句、疑问句(包括一些表示怀疑的动词)。如:

Is your mother back yet? 你母亲回来了吗?

I don’t want to go away yet. 我还不想离开。

I doubt if he has read it yet. 我怀疑他是否读过它。

We do not yet know the answer. 我们还不知道答案。

▲但 yet 还有一个不是很常用的用法,就是与不定式连用,表示某人还没有做某事,通常表示认为该做而未做。比如《朗文当代英语大词典》把这一用法用黑体字列为句型处理:

sb / sth has yet to do sth, [formal] used to say that someone has not done something, or that something has not happened when you think it should already have been done or have happened   某人还没有做某事〔表示认为该做而未做〕:

I have yet to hear Ray's version of what happened. 我还没有听过雷对所发生的事情的说法。

The bank has yet to respond to our letter. 银行还没有回复我们的信。

▲你的句子中的 yet 就属于此用法,只不过你的句子中的不定式为被动式。相关例句再如:

The support act has yet to be confirmed. 助演尚未确定。

A date for the meeting has yet to be determined. 会议日期尚待确定。

The issue of funding has yet to be addressed. 资金问题尚未得到解决。

The fine detail of the plan has yet to be worked out. 这个方案的细节尚需制订出来。

The new tank has yet to be tested in the field. 这种新型坦克还有待在战场上经受考验。

The fine detail of the plan has yet to be worked out. 这个方案的细节尚需制订出来。

The offer has yet to be accepted by the lawyers representing the victims. 受害者的代理律师还没有接受这个提议。

▲这样用的 yet 与 still 同义,但正如上面《朗文当代英语大词典》所标注的,这样用的 yet 属于 formal(正式用法)。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

The problem has yet to be studied in depth. 是正确的。意思是“这个问题仍然有待深入研究。”


yet 通常用在疑问句和否定句里。但是,在正式文体中,它有时候用在肯定句里,意思是“仍然(still)”。

We have yet to hear from the bank.(= We are still waiting to hear ...)我们仍然在等待银行的答复。

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  • 于曼丽 提出于 2016-06-23 23:52
