be different in 后面加名词单数还是复数

be different in 后面加名词单数还是复数?

The two sweaters are different in color?

The two sweaters are different in colors?


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最佳答案 2016-06-19 13:58

1.  be different in 后面加名词单数还是复数?

The two sweaters are different in color ?   还是

The two sweaters are different in colors ?    为什么?


A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fool's Day.

这句话中可以用吗?      为什么?

3.  probably位于系动词,助动词,情态动词之后,实义动词之前。那么

He looks tired.   这句话中look是实义动词,但又是系动词,

probably应放在look前面还是后面 ?

He probably looks tired.  还是  He looks probably tired.


4.  反身代词的选择应和主语保持一致。 但在leave sb. by oneself 这个词组中oneself的选择不取决于主语,而取决于sb.    Don't leave Mike by himself.  

Did you see Mrs. Wang herself ?   这句话主语是you,但是oneself选择取决于Mrs. Wang



1be different in 后面加名词单数还是复数?

The two sweaters are different in color ?(正确)   还是

The two sweaters are different in colors ? (错误)   为什么?



结构为:主语+be+形容词+in +名词单数(颜色, 尺寸,形状;性质等)

The two are different in nature.  两者在本质上有区别

They are different in size but not in kind. 它们大小不一,但性质相同。

We have some that are different in style. 我们有些款式不同的货品。

Our bags are different in color. 我们的书包颜色不同。

These two machines are different in function. 这两台机器的功能不同


A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fool's Day.



(1)invite +sb+to sth 有以下2种意思=invite sb for sth


We invited all our relatives to the wedding. 我们邀请了所有的亲戚来参加婚礼。

She invited me to her birthday party.她邀请我参加她的生日宴会。

He invites us to his wedding.他邀请我们参加他的婚礼。

She invited him to a glass of beer.她请他喝了一杯啤酒。

I was invited to a dinner party. 我被邀请去参加一个宴会。

Yesterday, I was invited to an English evening party. 昨天我应邀参加了一个英语晚会。

Whether she will be invited to the meeting is not known. 她会不会被邀请去参加会议还不知道。

For the first time in our lives, we were invited to an important ball. 那是我们一生中第一次应邀去参加一个重要舞会。

Do we really have to invite all my insufferable relatives to the wedding? 我们真得请我那些叫人难以忍受的亲戚们来参加婚礼吗?


He is inviting his friend to dinner. 他正在招待朋友吃饭

She invited him to a glass of beer. 她请他喝了一杯啤酒。


I'll invite my foreign friends to my house this Sunday. 这个星期天我将邀请我的外国朋友到我家里做客。

Once a rich woman invited Martin Brown to her house. 一位贵妇曾经邀请马丁·布朗到她家里

She often invites friends or relatives to her home. 她经常邀请朋友或亲戚到她家中做客。

(2)invite sb onto one’s show 表示邀请上或者观/欣赏看某人的节目/表演

We invited some foreign friends onto the show. 我们邀请了一些外国朋友来观看表演。

A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fool's Day. 一名著名影视明星邀请他女朋友在愚人节上/观看他的节目.


He looks tired.   这句话中look是实义动词,但又是系动词,

probably应放在look前面还是后面 ?He probably looks tired.  还是  He looks probably tired.




A. probably放在系动词后

He looks probably tired

He is probably in the room.

I'll be probably free then. 那时我大概就有空了。


That hotel probably costs no less than 20 dollars a night. 那间旅馆的住宿费大约要20元一晚呢。



He can probably tell us all the details we want. 他也许能告诉我们所需的全部详情。

He will probably refuse the offer. 他很可能会拒绝这一提议。



She came here.(不及物动词)

She saw a bird .(及物动词)


She often looks at me in a strange way.(行为动词用法)

She looks sad (系动词用法)

She looks sadly at me (行为动词用法

4反身代词的选择应和主语保持一致。 但在leave sb. by oneself 这个词组中oneself的选择不取决于主语,而取决于sb.  

 Don't leave Mike by himself.  

Did you see Mrs. Wang herself ?  

这句话主语是you,但是oneself选择取决于Mrs. Wang




(1)leave sb by oneself =leave sb alone 单独留下某人,或者不管某人

Don't leave the boy by himself in the room. 不要把这个男孩独自留在房间里.

Li Lan seldom goes out by herself. 李兰很少自己单独出门。

She lives all alone/all by herself. 她独自[一个人]生活。

She can mend the fridge by herself. 她能自己修理冰箱。

She conquered her fear and crossed the shaking bridge by herself. 她克服了恐惧,自己走过了摇摇晃晃的桥。

Mrs. Warner is already 96 and too frail to live by herself. 华纳太太已经九十六岁了,身体虚弱,不便独居。

She always set her hair by herself. 她总是自己做头发

One is firmly established by oneself. 卓然自立。

Own destiny should create by oneself. 自己的命运应由自己创造。

Enjoy the interest of fossick by oneself. 当年淘金的辛酸史,并亲身体验淘金的乐趣。

One often has to learn to do things by oneself. 人常须学会。

Don't leave her alone to sweep up after the party. 宴会结束后别让她一个人打扫清洁。

Just buzz off and leave me alone! 走开,让我清静一下!

Please don't leave me alone, ' he whimpered.` 请不要丢下我不管,'他抽抽搭搭地说。

I've told you to leave my things alone. 我已经告诉过你不要动我的东西

Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。

(2)如果oneself 单独用在句子中,可以作宾语,作表语,表语,动作发出者和承受者属于同一个人.

She killed herself.  (作宾语)


She herself told me the news.   (作同位语)


She was ill yesterday, but she's more herself today. (作表语)


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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

They are quite different in their tastes. 他们的品位差异很大。(摘自外研社、建宏《英汉多功能词典》)


The two sweaters are different in colors.

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  • 酒哥hhh 提出于 2016-06-17 14:26
