两个much的用法(I have much too much work to do tonight)

I have much too much work to do tonight.

句中两个 much 的作用是什么? 第二个 much 修饰 work,作定语,是形容词。第一个 much 用作副词,修饰副词 too。much 和 too 这两个副词一起修饰后一个形容词 much,对吗?请专家老师解答!

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最佳答案 2016-06-14 09:49

同意黎老师和陈老师的解答,too much作定语修饰work,第一个much为程度副词作状语修饰too much。借此机会,说说too much:

1.too much可以起副词作用,在句中作状语。如:

I miss you too much. 我实在是太想念你了。(状语修饰动词)

2.too much还可以起代词或形容词的作用,在句中作主语、宾语、定语或表语。如:

Too much will be done. 要做的事太多了。(主语)

He ate too much. 他吃的太多了。 (宾语)

He wasted too much time. 他浪费了太多的时间。(定语).

The rubbish in the room is too much. 屋子里的垃圾太多了。(表语)

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其它 2 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师



(1) I have much too much work to do (第1个much副词,常常,经常)


(2) I have too much work to do tonight.




(1) too much+不可数名词单数 意思,“太多...)还可以修饰动词

She laughs too much. 她笑得太多。

(2) very much 一般用来修饰静态动词

She likes English very much. 她非常喜欢英文。

He is a man very much in charge of himself. 他是个自制力很强的人。

Yorkshire is still very much a farming community with good meat, good dairy produce and eggs. 约克郡在很大程度上仍以农业为主,出产优质肉类、奶制品和蛋类。

Something was very much the matter. 确实出问题了。

Thank you very much. 非常感谢。

(3) so much +不可数名词单数 意思,“如此多的

How to get so much money is a problem. 如何弄得如此多的钱是一个问题.

(4) much too+adj./adv原级,相当于”very”

The skin is much too delicate. 皮肤太娇嫩了。

(5)much 还可以单独当作副词使用“意思经常;常常”

Do you get back East much? 你经常回东部吗?

(5) much of常常;多次

I don't see much of Tony nowadays. 我现在见托尼的次数不多。

We won't be seeing much of each other for a while. 我们会有一段时间不常见面。

(6) much as虽然;尽管

Much as they hope to go home tomorrow, they're resigned to staying on until the end of the year. 虽然他们希望明天就回家,但还是准备耐心地继续呆到年底。

(7) as much as


The organisers hope to raise as much as £6m for charity. 组织者希望能募集到高达600万英镑的善款。

B.甚至;竟然so much as

I didn't so much as catch sight of him all day long. 我一整天都没见他人影。

Laura had not reproached him, never so much as mentioned it. 劳拉没责备他,甚至提都没提那件事。

She auctioned off the car without so much as taking a ride in it. 她甚至都没怎么开过那辆车,就把它拍卖了。

C. 太…以至于so much as

He himself believed in freedom, so much so that he would rather die than live without it. 他非常崇尚自由,不自由,毋宁死。

(8) much less更不用说;更何况

They are always short of water to drink, much less to bathe in. 他们的饮用水一直短缺,更别提洗澡水了。

But we must not think of Chekhov as a leftist, much less a revolutionary.  但是我们绝不应把契科夫看成是个左派人物,他更不是革命者

(9) nothing much没什么;不重要

'What was stolen?' — 'Oh, nothing much.' “什么被偷了?”——“噢,不是什么重要的东西。”

Nothing much interesting seemed to be happening. 看来不会发生什么有趣的事。

(10) not much of不太好的;称不上…的

It hasn't been much of a holiday. 这简直不像是假日。

It's not much of a career, you may think. 你可能想这根本算不上是一份职业

(11)(so much for)


Well, so much for the producers. But what of the con-sumers? 好吧,关于生产商就讲这么多,那关于消费者呢?

B. 不过如此;没有益处

He has spent 19 million pounds, lost three cup finals and been relegated. So much for money. 他已花了1,900万英镑,输掉了三场杯赛决赛,球队也降级了。钱也不是万能的。

(12) not..so much as与其说是…不如说是

I don't really think of her as a daughter so much as a very good friend. 与其说我把她当作女儿,不如说把她当作好朋友。

She told me she was not so much leaving her job as it was leaving her. 她告诉我,与其说是她辞了工作,不如说是工作辞了她。

(13) too much for 非…力所能及的;非…应付得了的 

His inability to stay at one job for long had finally proved too much for her.  他没有哪份工作能干长,这一点最终让她难以忍受。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)

根据《朗文高级英语应试词典》,在 too much 前面可以加表示程度的副词或短语: far / much / rather / a little, 所以,much too much work 的意思是“太多太多的工作”,也可以只翻译成“太多的工作”。可以理解成副词 much 修饰短语 too much。

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