

1. There will have been a definite result before Friday. 星期五以前肯定会有结果。

2. By the time you get to Beijing tomorrow, I should have left for Shanghai.等你明天到达北京的时候,我很可能已经动身去上海了。

3. He may have left when you get there. 等你到达的时候他可能已经离开了.

4. 2007考研英语text4有这样一句话:The current state affairs may have been encouraged--though not justified--by the lack of legal penalty for data leakage.
星火英语的翻译是:现在的这种情况,可能会由于缺乏对资料泄露的法律制裁而愈演愈烈,虽然这是不正当的。(将 may have done 翻译成了对将来的推测)

5. She said that we would have finished the work by the end of this month. 她说在月底前我们将要完成这个工作。(过去将来完成时)/ 她说在月底前我们可能已经完成这个工作了。(对将来的推测)

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最佳答案 2016-06-11 20:35



There will have been a definite result before Friday. 星期五以前肯定会有结果。

本句中的 will 不是情态动词,而是助动词,它不是“情态动词+have+done”结构,而是将来完成时,又如:

I expect you will have changed your mind by tomorrow. 我预料到明天你就会改变主意了。

By the end of next week, I will have been a teacher for 25 years. 到下周末,我当老师就有25年了。

As you will have noticed, there are some gaps in the data. 你也许已经注意到了,数据里有些缺漏。

By the time the case comes to trial, he will have spent a year in prison. 到这个案件开庭审理时,他将已经在监狱里呆了一年了。


I will have retired by the year 2020. 到2020年我将已退休。(意思是:在2020年或这之前,我退休已成为过去的事)


I should have finished reading it by Friday. 我大概到星期五能把它看完。(牛津高阶词典)

She said she might have finished by this afternoon but don’t hold your breath. 她说她有可能在今天下午之前完成,不过你可别眼巴巴等着。(剑桥高级英语词典)

We should have finished by a quarter past two and the bus doesn't leave till half past. 我们2:15之前应该会完成,汽车要到2:30才开。(柯林斯高级英语词典)


may / might+动词不定式完成式也可以表示现在或将来 (如同现在完成时和将来完成时)。如:

I’ll try phoning him, but he may have gone out by now. 我要给他打电话,但他现在可能出去了。

By the end of this year I might have saved some money. 到今年年底,我就可能积攒了一点儿钱了。

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