in the night与during the night的区别

短语 in the night 和 during the night 都可以表示“在夜里”,它们有何区别?

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最佳答案 2016-04-28 10:46


(a) in和during在表示时段上十分相像,如表示在某一段特指的时间的开始时或该段时间之中发生的事件时,两者可以互换,句子的意义大致相同。如:

We'll be on holiday in / during August. 我们将于八月开始度假。

I woke up three times in / during the night. 我夜间醒了三次。

(b) 如果谓语动词表示的是状态或习惯,强调的是动作或状态的持续性,这时宜用during。试比较:

My father was injured in the war. 我父亲在战争中受了伤。

Many people suffered hardship during the war. 很多人在战争中含辛茹苦。

前一例中,was injured显然是被动语态,injure是非持续性动词,它表示的既非状态,又非习惯性动作,所以要用介词in;在后一例中,suffer是持续性动词,表示状态,因而要用介词during。又如:

We usually go swimming in summer. 夏天我们通常要去游泳。

We stay in the country during the summer. 在夏天,我们住在乡下。

The shop's closed during the whole of August. 这家商店在整个八月份都关门停止营业。

(c) 在某些表示事件的名词前(如:stay, visit, meal等),宜用during,以表示这些事件的持续时间,一般不用in。如:

I went to see my aunt during my stay in Beijing. 在北京逗留期间,我去看了姑妈。

During the meal we talked about the news. 席间,我们议论了时事。


He had some amazing experiences during his military service. 他在服兵役期间的经历实在有点惊心动魄。

* He had some amazing experiences in his military service.

因为zheermilitary service (服兵役) 是一种活动,其本身并不指时间长度,所以要用during,不能用in。但是在 He had some zmazing experiences in / during his childhood.(他童年时代的经历实在令人惊心动魄。)中,childhood(童年时期)本身含有某一段时间的意思,所以既可用during以强调其持续性的一面,也可以用in表示其时间长度。

(d) 有时为了进行强调或对比,说明某一件事确实发生在某一时间段之内,而并非发生在另一段时间之内,这时要用in。如:

No, it was in 1970, not in 1979. 不那是在1970年,而不是在1979年。

We usually go on holiday in July, but last year we went in Sptember. 我们通常七月份去度假,而去年我们是九月份去的。

(e) 与四季的名称连用,in是泛指,during是特指,试比较:

In summer we often camp in the forest. 夏天我们常在森林中露营。(泛指

During the summer we camped in the forest. 今年夏天我们在森林中露营。(特指

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其它 1 个回答

童迪斌   - 英语教师

根据《朗文当代英语词典》,in the night 和 during the night 均可表示夜间的某一时刻,该词典给的解释是:in / during the night ( = at a particular point in the night )


I only slept in snatches in the night / during the night. 我夜里时睡时醒。

I woke up several times in the night / during the night. 夜里我醒了好几次。

Several trees were blown down in the night / during the night. 夜里有好几棵树被刮倒了。

She developed breathing difficulties in the night / during the night. 她晚上出现了呼吸困难。

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  • 江飞鱼   提出于 2016-04-27 15:54
