except that…引导从句时可以省略that吗

except 是介词,后面接名词、代词或动名词;except that 可以起连词作用,后面可执着从句,但有人说 except that 引导从句时可以省略 that。


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最佳答案 2016-04-24 23:38

▲这个说法没有错,except that 引导从句时确实可以省略 that,但主要见于口语或非正式文体中。

▲下面的内容摘自朗文词典的 except 词条:

Except is not used to introduce another clause. Use unless or except if, except when, except while, except that. (except 不用于引导另一个从句。可以用 unless,except if,except when,except while 或 except that):

We won’t go unless you really want to (NOT except you really want to). 我们不打算去了,除非你真的想去。

I cycle to work, except when it rains (NOT except it rains). 除了下雨天之外,我都是骑车去上班的。

In spoken English, people sometimes leave out “that’(在英语口语中,人们有时省略 that):

The play went well, except (that) a few people forgot their lines. 演出很顺利,只是有几个人忘了台词。

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)


I remember nothing, except (that) I had some scary experience. 除了一些令人恐惧的经历之外,我什么都不记得。(p.716)

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  • 米佳佳   提出于 2016-04-17 08:44
