advance on与advance to的区别

He advanced on the city. 他向该城进发。

这里为什么不用介词 to 而用介词 on 呢?没看明白,求解答!谢谢!

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最佳答案 2016-04-24 12:29

三个短语advance on, advance to 和advance towards,都可以表示“朝着......前进”,但advance on 有时带有“攻击”的意味。例如:

1. Our troops advanced on the next town. 我军向下一个城镇推进。

2. He advanced on me in a threatening manner. 他以威胁的姿态向我走来。

3. The people advanced to the square with anger. 人们怀着怒火向广场进发。

4. The troops advanced to the river. 部队行进到河边。

5. We advanced towards the castle. 我们朝城堡前进。

6. Armed rebels advanced towards the capital. 武装叛乱分子向首都推进。

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其它 2 个回答


赞同刘老师的解答。advance之后常接介词to, towards或on,意义有细微的差别。to侧重地点,towards侧重方向,on侧重攻击。

英国著名语言学家弗雷德里克·托·伍德(Frederick T. Wood)所著的《英语介词习语词典》对这个问题就有具体说明(提供给网友以作参考):

advance vi. 推进。

达到的地点用to或as far as表示。例如:

By the end of that week the enemy had advanced to (or as far as) the outskirts of the capital. 到那一周末,敌人已推进到首都的郊区。


Slowly but surely they advanced towards their objective. 他们缓慢地,但稳步地向着目标前进。

advance on表示向某地挺进的意思,其意图是要进攻或占领它。例如:

There were unconfirmed reports that the rebel army was advancing on the town. 据未证实的报告说,叛军正在向市区推进。

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黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)


The soldiers advanced towards [to] the town. 士兵向镇上进发。

Our army advanced on the enemy with great fierceness. 我军向敌人猛力进击。


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  • 凯茜 提出于 2016-04-09 20:34
