in no time,at no time,at a time,at one time等的区别


in no time, at no time, at times, at a time, at one time


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最佳答案 2016-03-30 23:11


in no time:

1.    [戏谑语]立刻,马上,一眨眼工夫,很快地[亦作 in no time at all]——《21世纪大英汉词典》

2.    很快,立刻——《英语常用短语小词典》

3.    见at no time——《新编英语短语用法辨析词典》

4.    in no time是表示时间的介词短语,虽然是否定形式,但是表示肯定意义,与at once,in a minute或right away相当,这四个短语可以互换。例如:

① We'd better leave home in no time/in a minute/at once/right away.


② He is badly hurt.He should be sent to hospital in no time/in a minute/at once/right away.




at no time

1.    在任何时候都不;从来没有…,从不;决不——《21世纪大英汉词典》

2.    在任何时候都不,从不,决不——《英语常用短语小词典》

3.    “决不;任何时候都不”,放在句首时,主谓语必须倒装:
At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons. 中国在任何时候、任何情况下,都将不会首先使用核武器。

【in no time“马上;立即”,和at no time一样,置于句首时,主谓语必须倒装:According to the schedule, in no time will they return to the construction site. 按照日程,他们将立刻返回建筑工地。】


4.    adv.(常用于句首)(used for emphasizing that someone did not do something or that it did not happen) never从来没有;决不:
At no time in his life has he shown more bravery than in that case.
At no time and under no circumstance will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
At no time was the President aware of what was happening.

【当本短语用于句首时,句中的主谓结构一定要构成倒装。当本短语置于句中较后的部分时,句中的主谓结构则不要倒装。我们可以把最后一个例句改为非倒装结构的句子:The President was at no time aware of what was happening.



at times

1.    有时,偶尔,不时——《21世纪大英汉词典》

2.    有时,偶而,不时——《英语常用短语小词典》

3.    见at all times——《新编英语短语用法辨析词典》

4.    有时——《学生英汉图解词典》

5.    adv. sometimes but not often; occasionally 有时,偶尔,不时地:
She was a fun person to be with at times.
Today television brings into our homes information and entertainment and at times, even inspiration.
At times he prepares his lesson well; at other times he does very poor work.
The new computers went out of order at times.

【本短语的同义短语是every now and then, every so often, from time to time, now and again和now and then。在这组短语中,at times较为正式;every now and then和every so often含有屡次、多次的意味,语气比now and again和now and then强;now and again和now and then两者无任何区别,可互换使用;from time to time广泛用于日常口语中,侧重“时常”这一概念。】


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其它 1 个回答


in no time很快;不久;立即;马上:Take this medicine,and it will cure you in no time.吃了这种药,你的病马上就会好的。(由于短语本身并无否定含义,位于句首,句子不倒装。)

at no time从不;绝不:At no time did anyone suggest that the drug was dangerous. 从未有人暗示这药危险。(短语具有否定含义,位于句首,句子需要半倒装。)

at times间或;有时:At times I make mistakes when I speak English.我说英语有时会出错。

at a time依次;逐一;每次:They learn 30 words and a passage at a time.他们每次学30个单词和一篇短文。

at one time一度;从前;曾经:At one time we met frequently.曾经有一个时期我们经常会面。

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  • 陶乐儿 提出于 2016-03-30 21:52
