
老师,He married a woman, whom he met at the hospital. 


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最佳答案 2016-04-02 22:04



My brother who lives in New York has six children.


My brother, who lives in New York, has six children.



I met a boatman, who (= and he) took me across the river.

They will fly to Kunming, where (= and there) they will stay for several days.

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其它 1 个回答

唐 博  

你的句子完全成立。句末的 whom he met at the hospital 正是一个非限制性定语从句。


This is Jack, whom you haven’t met before. 这是杰克,你以前没见过。

We became friendly with some nurses, whom John had met in Paris. 我们跟几位护士变得很友好,约翰在巴黎见过她们。

She went to work with my brother, whom she later married 她去跟我兄弟一起工作,后来和他结了婚。

Our doctor, whom we all like very much, is leaving. 常给我们看病的那个医生,我们都很喜欢他,他要走了。

This is John Perkins, whom you met at the sales conference. 这位是约翰·珀金斯,你在销售大会上见过他。

Peter, whom everyone suspected, turned out to be innocent. 彼得,大家都怀疑他,结果证明是无罪的。

That afternoon there was a search for Sophia, whom no one had seen since lunch. 那天下午大家都在找索菲娅,午饭后谁都没见过她。

She wanted Tom, whom she liked, as a partner; but she got Jack, whom she didn’t like. 她想要她所喜欢的汤姆作为伴侣,可是却得到了她所不喜欢的杰克。

She married a very nice young architect from Belfast, whom she met on a bus. 她与一位非常漂亮的来自贝尔法斯特的年轻建筑师结婚了,她是在公共汽车上遇见他的。

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  • 张沛然 提出于 2016-03-29 20:17
