解释succeed in doing sth中的in的用法

It is exciting that we have succeeded in sending up Shenzhou V. 我们成功地发射了神舟五号这件事情真令人兴奋。请解释一下句中in在这里的用法,它可以换用其他都介词么?比如on?谢谢老师!

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最佳答案 2014-03-28 16:06

succeed 表示“成功”,为不及物动词,要表示“成功地做某事”,其后既不能接不定式,也不能接动名词,而是接 in doing sth,其中的介词 in 不能换成介词on 或其他介词。如:

They succeeded in escaping. 他们成功逃脱。

At last he succeeded in performing his task. 最后他成功地执行了他的任务。

They won’t succeed in getting what they want. 他们不会得到他们想得到的东西。

They’ve neither of them succeeded in winning her confidence. 他们两人谁也没能赢得她的信任。

The wrestler succeeded in throwing his opponent. 那摔跤运动员把对方摔倒了。

After six hours’ climbing, we succeeded in getting to the top of the mountain. 经过6小时的攀登,我们终于登上了山顶。

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  • 郭欣 提出于 2014-03-28 15:47
