as well的特殊用法(请顺便归纳一下)


We might as well finish up the cake.我们倒不如把蛋糕吃完。(字典上的翻译)

我一直都只知道as well 有“除…之外;也;还”的意思,但这里的的as well是什么意思?它有什么用法?

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最佳答案 2016-03-22 18:48

关于may / might well的用法通常有以下几种(你的问题属第2条):

1. may well“很可能; 有充分理由可以; 完全可以”。如:

This novel may well become a classic. 这本小说很有可能会成为经典作品。

You may well participate with us in our gains. 你们完全可以跟我们共享利益。


She can turn down your request, and well she may (do so). 她可以拒绝你的要求,并且她有充分的理由这么做。

2. may / might as well“最好; 不妨; 还不如”;注意:had better... 最好......(积极心态);may / might as well ...“还是......好”(消极或无奈)。如:

Since he won’t listen to you, you may as well let him be. 既然他不听你的,那就随他去吧。

Now that you’ve got a chance, you might as well make full use of it. 既然你有一次机会,你还是充分利用它为好。(1999年全国高考11小题)

3. may as well ... as...“完全可以把......像......一样”;如:

You may as well call a bike as a bicycle. 你大可把bike叫做bicycle。

You may as well treat him as your own son. 你完全可以把他当作你的亲生儿子。

4. might as well ... as ...“与其......不如......”;如:

You might as well throw money into the sea as lend it to William. 你与其借钱给威廉,还不如把钱扔到海里。

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  • 陶乐儿 提出于 2016-03-21 23:48
