这里的it was...that...是强调句吗(若it是形式主语真正的主语呢)

In addition, Benjamin discovered that he was becoming more and more attracted by the gay side of life. It was typical of his growing enthusiasm for pleasure that he was the first man in the city of Baltimore to own and run an automobile.

这段话中,it was...that...是强调句吗?it 是形式主语,那真正的主语是?

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最佳答案 2016-03-22 07:33

It was typical of his growing enthusiasm for pleasure that he was the first man in the city of Baltimore to own and run an automobile.


【分析】It是形式主语;that he was the first man in the city of Baltimore to own and run an automobile 是真正主语。

英语中,有一个常用的句式:be typical of,意思是:“有......的特点;具备了......的特征;体现了......的特色;是......典型特征”。


真正主语常常是动词不定式,用it 充当形式主语。句型:It is typical of sb. to do sth.

真正主语也可以是that从句,用it 充当形式主语。句型:It is typical of sb. that 从句


▲ It is typical of sb. to do sth.

It is typical of professor Kirpu to teach very fast.  科布教授讲课的特征是讲学飞快。

It is typical of him to forget to bring a present.  忘记带礼物来正是他的特点。

It is typical of her to take hard jobs.  勇挑重担是他的特点。

It was typical of him to do such a thing. 这种事只有他能干出来。

It is typical of Americans to hop from job to job. 跳槽是美国人的一个特征。

Jack is late again. It is typical of him to keep others waiting. 杰克又迟到了。他总是让别人等。

It is typical of my grandpa to forget things. 我爷爷老是爱忘事情。

It is not typical of Mary to be so critical. 这么挑剔不象是玛丽的惯常风格。

▲It is typical of sb. that 从句

It was typical of Stephen that, even in the matter of choosing a wife, his head should rule his heart.  斯蒂分的特点就是办事很有头脑,即便找对象他也不感情用事。

It is typical of the man that his first 12 months have been devoted to private discussions. 前12个月致力于私人讨论,这是此人的典型作风。

It is typical of most new technologies that the younger generation is quick to adopt them. 大多数新科技都是这样,总是年轻一代最快适应。

It was typical of Chinese pride that they bought the ground station from us so that they were not operating an American ground station. 中国方面买下了这个地面站,如此显得他们不是在运作一个美国地面站——这是典型的中国式面子问题。 

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