The drop-out rate among students is currently one in three. 现在学生的辍学率是三分之一。
请问这里用介词 among 合适吗?为什么不用 of 呢?
▲表示“……(比)率”,rate 后面通常是接介词 of。如:
What’s the rate of exchange against the dollar? 美元的兑换率是多少?
The rate of inflation has now reached double figures. 通货膨胀率已经达到两位数。
You could earn a higher rate of interest elsewhere. 你在别处可以获得更高的利率。
There is a high rate of juvenile delinquency in this area. 该地区的青少年犯罪率很高。
The rate of growth varies considerably between different industries. 不同产业的增长率有着相当大的差异。
▲但是如果后面是复数名词,则可以用介词 among,表示“在……当中的比率”。如:
There is a low survival rate among babies born before 22 weeks. 少于22 周的婴儿存活率很低。
The suicide rate among men between the ages of 16 and 25 has risen alarmingly. 16至25岁之间男性的自杀率攀升速度惊人。