
But tourism is double-edged, boosting the economy but damaging the environment.


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最佳答案 2016-04-01 18:18



Knowing her pretty well, I realized something was wrong. 由于我对她相当了解,我意识到出了事了。

Being anxious to please him, I bought him a nice present. 由于急于讨好他,我给他买了一件精美礼品。

Being a new hand in the work, she didn’t have enough confidence in herself. 由于他做这工作是新手,她对自己没有足够的信心。

Realizing that his retirement was near at hand, he looked for some additional income. 意识到自己快要退休了,他想要挣些外快。

Having lost both his parents when he was a child he always felt that the dice were loaded against him. 他因自小失去双亲, 总觉得处处受人欺负。


The teacher, not having heard the chimes, kept on teaching. 老师没听到下课铃声,仍继续上课。

Many of us, being so excited, could not go to sleep that night. 我们很多人是那样的激动,那天晚上都没有睡着。

We couldn’t help them, being so poor ourselves. 我们自己就穷,没法帮助他们。

I didn’t feel terribly shocked, having expected all this. 我并不感到过于震惊,因为这情况我早已料到。

Linda broke off, realizing the importance of what she was about to say. 琳达意识到自己所说内容的重要性,所以不说了。

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其它 2 个回答

刘永科   - 教育出版集团英语总顾问 & 英语系列图书主编

But tourism is double-edged, boosting the economy but damaging the environment.


【分析】现在分词短语boosting the economy but damaging the environment,作结果状语。boosting 和damaging是并列的。




1. 分词作原因状语,一般不放在句末。主从句中的原因从句可以放在句末,但分词短语作原因状语,应在句首:原因在先,结果在后。

2. 正因为是 double-edged,才会出现后面的结果。后面的两个分词短语,是对double-edged 的体现。



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童迪斌   - 英语教师




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  • 江晓敏   提出于 2016-03-15 09:15
