
The city of Zootopia - a microcosm of the world's natural habitats - runs obvious parallels to mankind's own diversity and through the beaming eyes of Hopps offers a glimpse at what can be achieved if only we don't remain so set in our ways.


(1) runs 是什么意思?

(2) only 与 we 可以调换位置吗?only we don't remain so set 是什么意思?

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最佳答案 2016-03-18 07:53

The city of Zootopia - a microcosm of the world's natural habitats - runs obvious parallels to mankind's own diversity and through the beaming eyes of Hopps offers a glimpse at what can be achieved if only we don't remain so set in our ways.

请问:(1)runs是什么意思?(2)only与we可以调换位置吗?only we don't remain so set是什么意思?


(1)run 的意思是“运行”。run parallel to是固定搭配,意为“与......平行”。

(2)if only 是个连词,也是相对的固定搭配,意为“只要”。  remain 是系动词,意为“保持,仍然是”,set 是形容词,意为“保守,固执的”。 if only we don't remain so set in our ways意为:“只要我们不按照自己的方式仍然那样保守的的话”。

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  • 王钊 提出于 2016-03-13 11:31
