2 It is like doing sth句式举例与分析

下面句子属于 It is like doing sth 句式吧!

It was like discovering a whole new dimension of life. 就像发现了一个全新的生活空间似的。

求类似句型的举例:it is + 介词 + doing sth

句式符合两个条件:一是 it is / was 开头;二是介词后面接动名词。

上面句子来自:人教版高中英语教材第3单元(Unit 3)

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最佳答案 2016-03-07 15:00

like 用作介词,完全可以接动名词。最常见的词组feel like doing sth.(想要做某事),其中like 就是介词。例如:

I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.  我好想明年暑假去一趟欧洲。

Life is just like playing dodgeball.  生活就像是玩躲避球。

Playing Chinese chess is like directing military operations.  下象棋就像指挥军队作战。

To educate the young generation in such a way is just like making the rice shoots grow by pulling them up.  用这种方法教育下一代无异于拔苗助长。

But Jennifer doesn't know anything about arts. It is just like casting pearls before swine.  但是珍妮弗根本不懂艺术,请他看画简直就是对牛弹琴。

Buying a car without trying it by yourself is just like buying a pig in a poke, isn't it?  买车时自己试都不试,这不是乱买吗?

关于主语是否用it,这个不是问题。因为it 是代词,它指代前面提到的事物或事情。所以,不必拘泥于此。



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  • 柏晓艳   提出于 2016-02-17 09:41
