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最佳答案 2016-03-01 00:23

Survey of Chinese Holidays & Festivals


1. Official Chinese Holidays

New Year's Day (January 1)

Not as much celebrated as it is in other parts of the world because it is overshadowed by the upcoming Chinese New Year (Lunar Festival) somewhere a month away. However, employees will enjoy a paid day-off. And there will be parties everywhere, in parks, dancing halls and universities where students will leave for the winter vacation and won't be able to celebrate the Chinese New Year on campus.

International Women's Day (March 8)

Interestingly, women employees will get a whole or a half paid day-off on the day while the men are at the mercy of their employers.

Tree-Planting Day (Arbor Day) (April 1)

Highly promoted since the late 70's by the reformist government and yet to become established. It marks the begriming of a greening campaign all over the country during the month each year. There is no paid leave on this day.

International Labor Day (May 1)

No less celebrated than the New Year's Day. Prompted by economic development and commercialization, employees are granted five days paid leave so that they can tour the country and do their shopping. Parades and organized parties on this day have become history.

Youth Day (May 4)

A day in memory of the first mass student movement in 1919—a movement touched off by the then Chinese government that gave in to the Japanese government's attempt to colonize Shandong Province. It is also an anti-Confucius movement as well as one that promoted the western scientific and democratic ideas. Today, youth rallies are rare, but parties and picnic outings are gaining popularity.

Children's Day (June 1)

It is the most memorable day of Chinese children. Access to almost all entertainment and educational facilities such as cinemas, parks and children's museums is free to them. Elementary schools throw celebration parties while parents shower them with presents.

The CCP's Birthday (July 1)

It marked the founding of the Chinese Communist Party in 1921 in Shanghai. It is usually characterized by front page editorials from major government news pagers. Employees do not have a paid leave day.

Army's Day (August 1)

A communist-led nationalist army staged the first armed uprising in Chinese communist history against the Nationalists on August 1, 1927. It was regarded as the beginning of the Red Army (later the People's Liberation Army). Now the anniversary is often used to promote better relationships between the army and civilians, a tradition believed to have helped it beat the Nationalists during the civil war in 1949. It is not a paid-leave day.

Teacher's Day (September 10)

It was started in the early eighties as an effort to reverse the anti-intellectual sentiment nurtured by the "Cultural Revolution". It has become an established holiday. However, it is yet to become a paid-leave day for the teachers.

National Day (October 1)

It is the anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949 in the wake of routing the Nationalists who have since taken refuge in Taiwan. Celebrations of the day went through different phases in history. Before 1960s, there were regular parades during the day and firework shows during the night in major cities. Later, the celebration was reduced to mere organized parties in parks. Beginning from the 1980's two grand parade happened in Beijing, each in the Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin eras. Beginning from the late 1990s, Chinese employees have been given a week-long paid leave so that they can travel and spend to pump more money into the country's economic development. Both May 1 and October 1 weeks were called huangjinzhou, or "a week of gold." Fireworks and parties are integral part of the first day of the week of gold.


2. Chinese Traditional Festivals

Note: The calendar the Chinese traditional holidays follow is of a unique lunar-solar system. Therefore, 1st of the 1st month referred here does not necessarily mean January 1. Come here to see the details of the Chinese calendar.


Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year (1st day of the 1st lunar month)

The biggest and most celebrated festival in China and parts of East and South East Asia. It is as important to the Chinese as Christmas is to Westerners. New Year's Eve dinner is the most important event when the whole family is present. Special foods are served and more meat than the usual is prepared. Fireworks will break the night, scaring the demons and bad luck away. Pictures of the Door Gods will be posted on the outside door with couples limned in bright red. Folk art poster, paper cutting and lucky wordings on bright red paper will be posted on the wall and windows. 

Lantern Festival or Yuanxiao Festival (15th day of the 1st lunar month)

This day features lantern displays, lion and dragon dances, and eating yuanxiao (ball-shaped sweet rice dumplings with delicious stuffing.). The Lantern Festival also marks the end of the Chinese New Year season.

Qing Ming (Pure & Bright in Chinese) (5th of the 24 Solar Terms)

Originally it was a celebration of spring. People used to customarily go out on an excursion to "tread grass". Later it became day dedicated to the dear departed. Tidying up ancestors' tombs is its major big event.

Duan Wu (Dragon Boat) Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month)

Said to be in memory of a great patriot poet of the then State of Chu during the Warring States period (475-221 B.C.), Qu Yuan (Ch'u Yuan), who drowned himself to protest his emperor who gave in to the bully State of Chin. For fear that fish may consume his body, people of Chu threw launched their boats and started throwing rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves into the river where he was drowned to feed the fish. Now the big event of dragon boat contest may be a legacy of such activity. People today still eat the bamboo-leave rice dumplings on the occasion today.

The Seventh Eve (7th day of the 7th lunar month)

It is a traditional holiday almost lost to the younger generations today. It originates from a beautiful legend about a cowboy and a fairy who were cruelly separated and reunited once each year on this happy sad occasion. A more detailed story is forthcoming.

Mid-Autumn Festival (15th day of the 8th lunar month)

It is second only to the Chinese New Year in significance. The moon on this day is the fullest and largest to the eye. Viewing it by the whole family while feasting on good wine, fruits and moon-cakes features the night event. There is also a beautiful story behind it. Children are told that there's fairy on the moon living in a spacious but cold crystal palace with her sole companion, a jade rabbit. A heavenly general and friend would occasionally pay her a visit, bringing along his fragrant wine. She would then dance a beautiful dance. The shadows on the moon made the story all the more credible and fascinating to the young imaginative minds.

Chongyang Festival / Elders' Day (9th day of the 9th lunar month)

According to the famous Chinese classic Yi Jing (I Ching), six and nine are both yang, or positive, numbers. Therefore, the nineth day of the nineth lunar month is a day to be celebrated as a Double Yang Festival. It is marked by family outing, particularly going up to the top of a hill. Viewing and admiring juhua (chrysanthemum flowers), decorating houses with zhuyu (cornus officinalis plants), eating double-yang cakes, and drinking chrysanthemum wine are part and parcle of the festival. In 1989, the Chinese government made the festival the Elders' Day to encourage young people to respect their parents.

Laba Jie (8th day of the 12th lunar month)

Most Chinese treat it as a reminder of the approaching Chinese New Year, hardly aware of its Buddhist background. This day is to celebrate Sakyamuni, founder of Buddhism. As he achieved revelation by practicing asceticism, surviving merely on a meal of congee a day, eating a particular type of congee called labazhou is the most important event of this festival.

Jizao Festival or Kitchen God Festival (23rd day of the 12th lunar month)

China has a long history of worshipping fire. After zao (kitchen stove) was invented, the belief in Zao Wangye (Kitchen God) began. Kitchen God is supposed to watch the household where he resides and reports its deeds or misdeeds to Yuhuangdadi (Jade Emperor of Heaven) on the day of the Jizao Festival, a week before the eve of the Chinese New Year. Around the Jizao Festival, people would try to bribe Kitchen God with maltose candy so that, with his sweetened mouth, he would put in a good word for them before Jade Emperor.

Dongzhi Festival or Winter Solstice Festival (22nd of the 24 Solar Terms)

This festival originated from the Han dynasty (206 B.C.—A.D. 220). It used to be treated as more important than the Chinese New Year. Today its importance has greatly decreased, and it is celebrated only in parts of the country. The day is celebrated with the eating of huntun (soup dumplings) in North China and mituan (rice-ball dumplings) in the south. The festival is also marked by the worshiping of heaven and ancestors.


3. Western Holidays Celebrated in China

China has become more commercialized and less ideological, and the Chinese are enjoying more relaxed social control. As a result, they have adopted some Western holidays. While Chinese, mostly young people, celebrate them for fun, businessmen see a great opportunity to make money.

Valentine's Day

It has become as big a holiday among the young Chinese as it does in the rest of the world. Greeting cards and flowers, predominantly roses, are sold in the millions. The Chinese, however, limit the present giving to their spouses, lovers, and sex partners while in the West, candies can be given to friends and colleagues. This difference may be attributed to the mis-translation of Valentine's Day as qingrenjie, in which, qingren means lovers. There are cries for replacing this foreign celebration of love with the traditional Chinese Qixi (Seventh Day of the Seventh Lunar Month), a day that commemorizes the legendary Cowherd and Weaving Girl.

Mother's Day

This is the only Western holiday that has official support. The Chinese government's women organization Fulian, or Women's Alliance of the People's Republic of China, uses the day to promote filial respect for parents countrywide. The flower carnation is the best choice for a present to parents. The holiday is particularly popular among schoolchildren, college students, young and middle-aged white-collar workers.


The Chinese, particularly the young generation, embrace Christmas without paying attention to its religious background. They decorate their homes with Christmas trees and lights, giving their children Christmas gifts, and go to parties to enjoy a carnival-like night. Christmas atmosphere is only too evident in the busy streets of major cities where shops, restaurants, and hotels show their best to allure customers. Santas, mostly played by young women, are their best "tools" of promotion.


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沅老师   - 英语教师


New Year’s Day 元旦(1月1日)

the Spring Festival 春节(农历正月初一)

Lantern Festival 元宵节(农历正月十五)


World Wetland Day 世界湿地日(2月2日)

Saint Valentine’s Day 情人节(2月14日)


International Women’s Day 国际妇女节(3月8日)

China Arbor Day 中国植树节(3月12日)

International Policemen’s Day 国际警察日(3月14日)

World Consumer Right Day 世界消费者权益日(3月15日)

World Forest Day 世界森林日(3月21日)

World Sleep Day 世界睡眠日(3月21日)

World Water Day世界水日(3月22日)

World Meteorological Day 世界气象日(3月23日)


April Fools’ Day 愚人节(4月1日)

World Health Day 世界卫生日(4月7日)

World Earth Day 世界地球日(4月22日)

World Intellectual Property Day 世界知识产权日(4月26日)


International Labour Day 国际劳动节(5月1日)

World Asthma Day 世界哮喘日(5月3日)

Chinese Youth Day 中国青年节(5月4日)

World Red-Cross Day 世界红十字日(5月8日)

International Nurse Day 国际护士节(5月12日)

International Family Day 国际家庭日(5月15日)

World Telecommunications Day 世界电信日(5月17日)

International Milk Day国际牛奶日(5月23日)

World No-Smoking Day 世界无烟日(5月31日)

Mother’s Day 母亲节(5月第2个星期日)

the Dragon-Boat Festival端午节(农历五月初五)


(International) Children’s Day (国际)儿童节(6月1日)

International Milk Day 国际牛奶日(6月1日)

International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression受侵略戕害的无辜儿童国际日(6月4日)

World Environment Day 世界环境日(6月5日)

National Eye Health Day 全国爱眼日(6月6日)

World Oceans Day 世界海洋日(6月8日)

China Cultural Heritage Day 中国文化遗产日(6月第2个星期六)

World Day Against Child Labour 世界无童工日(6月12日)

World Blood Donor Day 世界献血者日(6月14日)

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day认识虐待老年人问题世界日(6月15日)

World Day to Combat Desertification 防治荒漠化和干旱世界日(6月17日)

World Refugee Day 世界难民日(6月20日)

Father's Day 父亲节(6月第3个星期日)


The seventh evening of the seventh moon七夕(七月初七)

The jar orchid basin saves盂兰盆节(7月15日)

Spirit Festival鬼节(7月15日)


Independence Day (USA) 美国独立日(7月4日)


the Army’sDay (中国)建军节(8月1日)

Mid-autumn (Moon) Festival 中秋节(农历8月15日)


International Anti-illiteracy Day 国际扫盲日(9月8日)

Teachers’ Day (中国)教师节(9月10日)

Double-ninth Day (中国)重阳节(农历9月9日)

World Tourism Day 世界旅游日(9月27日)

International Peace Day 国际和平日(9月第3个星期二)

International Day of the Deaf 国际聋人节(9月第4个星期日)


National Day (中国)国庆节(10月1日)

International Music Day 国际音乐日(10月1日)

International Day of Older Persons 国际老年人日(10月1日)

World Animal Day 世界动物日(10月4日)

World Post Day 世界邮政日(10月9日)

International Day of the Blind 国际盲人节(10月15日)

World Food Day 世界粮食日(10月16日)


Thanksgiving Day 加拿大感恩节(10月的第2个星期一)

World Sight Day世界爱眼日(10月第2个星期四)


All Saints’ Day 万圣节(11月1日)

Thanksgiving Day (美国)感恩节(11月的第4个星期四)


World AIDS Day 世界爱滋病日(12月1日)

World Disabled Day 世界残疾人日(12月3日)

World Football Day 世界足球日(12月9日)

Christmas Day 圣诞节(12月25日)

Boxing Day节礼日(12月26日或圣诞节后的第一个星期日)


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  • 优优   提出于 2016-01-31 20:35
