If you were half the king Mufasa was的分析与理解

1. If you were half the king Mufasa was.

这里 half 是不是名词,后面跟的是不是一个定语从句?

2. I'm ten times the king Mufasa was! 

这里 times 是不是名词,后面跟的是一个定语从句?如果是,那是不是省略了引导词?

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最佳答案 2016-01-26 17:22


“前置限定词”,也叫“先行限定词”或者“前位限定词”(predeterminer)。顾名思义,pre-表示“在先,在前”,determiner是“修饰语,限定语”。 英语给的定义是:

In grammar, a predeterminer is a word that is used before a determiner, but is still part of the noun group. For example, all in “all the time” and both in “both our children” are predeterminers. 

如果有两个或两个以上的词语同时修饰一个名词,那么,“前置限定词”的位置始终放在这些词的前面。最常见的“前置限定词”有:all, both, such, what, half, double, twice, three times, one-third等。

表达“倍数”概念的half, twice, ten times,几乎所有的英语词典将其词性规定为“副词”。



 (1) I hope to see all my new friends again very soon, and indeed I will. 我希望不久后能再见到我的新朋友,我真的会。

(2) Both his eyes were severely burned.  他的双眼都严重烧伤了。

(3) It is such a fine day that we have decided to go swimming. 天气这么好,我们决定去游泳了。

(4) What a lonely world it would be with you away!  你要是不在,这世界不知将有多寂寞!

(5) Too often he only absorbs half the information in the manual. 他对于说明书上所说的经常是一知半解。

(6) But women spend nearly double the amount of time on domestic chores than men. 但是,女人们花在家务琐事上的时间几乎是男人的两倍。

(7) The aeroplane will travel at twice the speed of sound. 这架飞机的速度将是音速的两倍。

(8) That man is twice my weight. 那个男子的体重比我重一倍。

(9) One month later, we will receive an order for the same product, but three times the quantity. 但一个月后,我们又接到同样的订单,而且要原来三倍的量。

(10) Our school is one third the size of yours. 我们学校只有你们学习的三分之一大。


1. If you were half the king Mufasa was.

2. I'm ten times the king Mufasa was! 

If you were half the king Mufasa was. 其中Mufasa was 是定语从句,省略了关系代词that (who)

等于:If you were half the king that Mufasa was.

I'm ten times the king Mufasa was! 其中Mufasa was 是定语从句,省略了关系代词that (who)

等于:I'm ten times the king that Mufasa was! 


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