
To me, the movie not only presents an unforgettable scene but also acts as a timeless reminder that we should not develop the tourist industry at the cost of our eco-enviornment.

我的问题是:这里的 that 是什么用法呢,难道是定语从句么,that 状语,感觉行不通啊,为什么?

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最佳答案 2016-02-14 13:22


这里的 that 引导的是同位语从句,对提醒(reminder)的内容进行补充说明。例如:

• The cold served as a reminder that winter wasn’t quite finished. 寒冷提醒人们,冬天还没有结束。

• Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active. 零星的炮火提醒人们,叛军仍在活动。

• The waiters were clearing the tables, which served as a reminder that it was time to leave. 服务员在收拾桌子, 提醒顾客该走了。

• Violence has broken out in the capital, a stark reminder that the religious tensions are refusing to go away. 首都爆发了暴力事件,这给了人们一个严酷的提醒——宗教紧张局势还在持续。

如果 reminder 的内容是疑问句,则不能直接用同位语从句,而要用介词 of 引入。例如:

• The incident served as a timely reminder of just how dangerous mountaineering can be. 这次事故及时地提醒了人们登山运动有时会多么危险。


reminder 的动词 remind 也不例外,但是要求间接宾语。例如:

• Passengers are reminded (that) no smoking is allowed on this train. 旅客们请注意,本次列车禁止吸烟。

• Can someone remind me what I should do next? 请谁告诉我下一步该做什么好不好?

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