2 句号后面能跟字母小写吗

Well, she sang. Her voice was feeble and wavering, like a fountain just ready to fail, but then how sweet-toned it was; and it became deeper and stronger, but it couldn't grow sweeter. What "joy of grief" it was to sit there around the fire, all of us, except Jane, that clasped a prayer to her bosom, and her we thought we saw, when the hall-door was opened a moment by the wind; but then we were not afraid, for wasn't it her old smile she wore?—to sit there around the fire, and weep over the woes of the "Babes in the Wood," who lay down side by side in the great solemn shadows; and how strangely glad we felt when the robin-red-breast covered them with leaves, and last of all when the angels took them out of the night into Day Everlasting.


1. to sit 前面的破折号是什么作用?《美国语文》改编后的课文不含破折号,即“she woreto sit”问号后面直接跟字母小写,是否也正确?

2. who lay down 是主动。改编后的课文是who laid down,有错误吧?应该是who was laid down ?

3 robin 是知更鸟的意思。robin-red-breast 或是robin redbreast 是什么意思?   谢谢解答。

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明月几时有哟   - 英语爱好者/IT


1. 破折号的作用


"...wasn't it her old smile she wore?—to sit there around the fire..."

在这里,破折号的作用是 引出延续 后面的内容,表示思维的突然转折或进一步的补充说明。破折号之后的部分通常带有一种情感上的延续或对话的突发性。这种用法在文学作品中非常常见,尤其是在表达思绪流动、感情的转变时。


2. “who lay down” 与 “who laid down”

  • 原文: "the woes of the 'Babes in the Wood,' who lay down side by side..."

"who lay down"主动语态,表示这些孩子“自己躺下”。在这种表达中,“lay”是动词的过去式,在这里符合语法规则,意思是“这些孩子躺下了”。

如果改编后的版本使用了**"who laid down",则不正确**,因为**"laid"** 是 “lay” 的过去分词,通常表示他人使某人处于某种状态,而不是孩子们自己躺下。正确的应该是 "who lay down"

  • "who was laid down" 也不合适,因为**“was laid”** 语态变为被动,表示“被别人放置”,这与原文的意思不符。

所以,"who lay down" 是正确的。

3. "robin-red-breast" 与 "robin redbreast"

"robin-red-breast""robin redbreast" 都是知更鸟的意思,是对这种鸟的描述,特别指它胸前那块红色的羽毛。

  • “robin redbreast” 是一个常见的词组,可以视为一个复合名词,指的就是知更鸟。
  • “robin-red-breast” 是另一种拼写方式,通常在一些古典文学或诗歌中使用,它把“redbreast”作为一个复合词,连字符的使用使它看起来更为正式或诗意。

两者的意思是一样的,都是指**“知更鸟”,只是拼写和结构的细微差异。现代英语中"robin redbreast"** 更为常见。


  1. 破折号引出了一个延续或补充的思路,改编后的版本没有破折号也是可以的,但原文保持破折号更能体现情感的转折。
  2. "who lay down" 是正确的,表示主动,"laid""was laid" 都不符合上下文的意思。
  3. "robin-red-breast""robin redbreast" 都表示知更鸟,两者是不同的拼写形式。

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  • cici   提出于 2025-02-14 01:37