practical level是"实际水平"的意思么

A number of economists predict that unemployment will drop to around its lowest practical level in the United States by the end of 2016. But others say employers remain cautious about taking on new workers, and wages are growing at a frustratingly slow pace.

practical level是实际水平的意思么?

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最佳答案 2015-12-30 16:46

把这里的 practical level 理解成“实际水平”也可以,其实这个 practical 完全可以省略不用,加上去只是语意有所强调而已。英语中直接用lowest level 来表示“最低水平”是一个很常用的做法:

Inflation is down to its lowest level in three years. 通货膨胀率降到3 年来的最低点。

Unemployment is now at its lowest level for 15 years. 现在的失业人数处于15年来的最低值。

In May, the price of cocoa fell to its lowest level since 1975-76. 5 月份,可可的价格降到了 1975 至 1976 年以来的最低水平。


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  • dengqianyi 提出于 2015-12-29 22:09
