2 在“动词+名词+介词短语”组合中“介词短语”所充当的句子成分问题

在如下两个例句中,均存在着“谓语 + 宾语 + off the clock”这样一种组合:

1. Just as you spend money to build market share, launch new products and increase brand recognition, be willing to invest in initiatives that will change longstanding workplace practices—like performing preliminary activities off the clock or attending midday meetings—that put you at risk.

2. When a professional service firm refuses to have any conversation off the clock or a company never leaves any money on the table in a negotiation, I always become concerned that they really do not understand that they are in the relationship business where referrals and word of mouth mean a lot.

请教曹老师,这两句话中的介词短语“off the clock”究竟充当着“状语”还是“后置定语”?

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最佳答案 2024-07-06 05:43

二个句子中的off the clock都是状语。

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