剑桥英语语法P144-145 past time adjunct in experiential perfects 我不太懂啊,为何这个地方现在完成时可以用过去具体的时间状语,其他的语法书没提这种用法,曹老师能否讲下,非常的感谢!
另外再问下:P145中14iii 为nil results 我也不太懂,没任何结果还能够叫做表结果的完成?
i a. He has got up at five o'clock. b. He got up at five o’clock.
ii a. We've already discussed it yesterday. b. We discussed it yesterday.
作者在这个ia 和 iia 二个例句下面已经给出了详细的解释。你仔细阅读,知道作者是什么意思就行了,你可以不接受这种观点。下面是作者的解释:
In [ia] “at five o'clock” is a crucial part of the potentially recurrent situation: the issue
is that of his getting up at this early hour; there is no reference to any specific occasion,
as there is in the simple preterite [ib]. In [iia] the already indicates that I'm concerned
with the occurrence of the situation of our discussing it within a time-span up to now
and cancels the normally excluding effect of yesterday evident in [iib].
关于作者给出的三种不同类型的resultative perfect例句,作者已经给出了解释。你可以不采纳他这种观点,知道他是这么认为的就行了。
1. He has got up at five o'clock. 意思是:每到五点的时候,他已经起来了。侧重点不是某一天的五点发生的动作,而是五点这个时候他已经起床了这样一个经常性的事实,所以作者用了potentially recurrent situation。这种用法只有在特殊语境才可能出现,一般是很少这样用的。这个句子如果把时间状语提前,就必须用过去时了,即:At five o'clock, he got up. 我曾在国外出版的一本语法书上看到后面的这个解释。
2. 我查了一下剑桥语法,原句如下:
这里的完成时指的是try这个动作,已经努力去做了,当然要用完成时。因为try这个词的含义,try 不一定就有结果,该句she's not answering也表明无结果。但作者也将其归类为resultative perfect. 如果按照你的思维习惯,应该称为“无结果完成时”,如:I have advised him to go and see a doctor, but he has refused. 我理解作者的思维可能是无结果也是一种结果。