3 英语中能接宾补(宾语补足语)的动词有哪些


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陈才   - 英语教师














 【一】接名词作宾补常用动词(make, name, call, electkeep,think)

He makes King Lear a truly tragic figure.他把李尔王刻画成一位真正的悲剧人物。

They named their son John.他们给儿子起了个名字叫约翰。

They decided to call the baby Mark.他们决定给婴儿取名马克。

Manchester College elected him Principal in 1956..曼彻斯特学院于1956年推选他做院长。

We must keep it a secret.我们对此必须保密。

We all think him a clever boy.我们都认为他是聪明男生。

【二】接形容词作宾语补足语常用动词(make, leave, keep, think,find,get,call,)

The news made him very happy.这则消息使他非常高兴。

Leave the door open, please.请把门开着吧。

We huddled together to keep ourselves warm.我们挤在一起来保暖。

She thought him kind and generous.她认为他宽厚仁慈。

The jury found him guilty.陪审团裁决他有罪。

I don't know if I can get it clean.我不知道自己是否能把它清理干净。

It was very rude to call her fat. 说她胖很不礼貌。

【三】接副词作宾语补足语的常用动词(find, keep, order,let,see,)

Did you find her in?你发现她在家吗?

He kept his head down, hiding his features. 他低头掩面。

He kept his coat on.他一直穿着大衣。

He ordered them away.他命令他们离开。

I'll give you a key so that you can let yourself in.我把钥匙给你,你可以自己开门进去。

Please let me past.请让我过去。

We saw him out我们看见他出去了。

【四】接介词短语作宾补常用动词(make ,keep,find, get,see)

Please make yourself at home.请随便一点(别太拘束)

The cold kept me in bed for three days.这次感冒使我卧床了三天。

She woke up and found herself in a hospital bed.她醒来发觉自己躺在医院的床上。

Brian will get them out of trouble. 布赖恩会帮助他们走出困境。

Others saw it as a betrayal.别人认为这是一种背叛。


ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事情   

advise sb do do sth 建议某人做某事情

allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事          

cause sb to do sth 引起某人做某事情

call on sb to do sth 号召某人走某事情       

encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事情

force sb to do sth强迫某人做某事情        

forbid sb to do sth禁止某人做某事情

get sb to do sth使得某人做某事情          

order sb to do sth命令某人做某事情

persuade sb to do sth劝说某人做某事情     

permit sb to do sth准许某人做某事情

require sb to do sth要求某人做某事情       

teach sb to do sth教某人做某事情

tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事情         

want sb to do sth想某人做某事情

wish sb to do sth希望某人做某事情       

wait for sb to do sth等待某人做某事情

expect sb to do sth期待某人做某事情       

like sb to do sth喜欢某人做某事情

perfer sb to do sth更喜欢某人做某事情        

invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事情


1】一感(feel)  feel n./pron.+ do sth

2】二听(hear, listen to ) hear/listen to n./pron.+ do sth

3】三使(have, make,let), have/make n./pron.+ do sth

4】五看(see,look at, notice,observe,watch) see/look at/notice/observe/watch n./pron.+ do sth

【七】接现在分词doing作宾补的动词(see,feel hear, find, catch, leave,have,observe, watch ,get)

1see sb/sth doing sth

He saw car driving up .他看见一辆汽车开过来。

I saw a man making his way towards me.我看到一名男子向我走来。

2feel sb/sth doing sth

He felt a hand touching his shoulder.他感到有只手在触摸他的肩膀。

She could feel herself blushing.她可以感到脸都红了。

3hear sb/sth doing sth 听见/听到某人/某物做某事

He could hear a dog barking.他听得到狗叫。

I heard someone singing in the next room.我听见隔壁屋里有人唱歌。

4find sb/sth doing sth发现,发觉(处于某状态.在做某事)

I suddenly found myself running down the street.我不知不觉突然在街上跑了起来。

5catch sb/sth doing sth当场发现(或发觉)某人/某物做某事

I caught her smoking in the bathroom.我撞见她在盥洗室里抽烟。

You wouldn't catch me working on a Sunday!你绝对不会看到我在星期日工作!

6leave sb/sth doing sth使保留,让处于做某事(某种状态,某地等)

Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain.别让她在外边雨里等着。

I left the engine running. 我动机一直开着。

7have sb/sth doing sth允许/容忍某人/某物做某事;使处于(某状态);使作出(某种反应)

We can't have people arriving late all the time.我们不能允许有人总是迟到。

He had his audience listening attentively.他抓住了听众的注意力。

8observe sb/sth doing sth看到;注意到;观察到某人/某物做某事

They observed him entering the bank.他们看见他走进银行。

9watch sb/sth doing sth  看;注视;观看;观察某人/某物做某事

She watched the kids playing in the yard.她看着孩子们在院子里玩。

10get sb/sth doing sth使,让(某人或物做某事);说服(某人做某事)

Can you really get that old car going again?你真能让那老爷车再跑起来吗?

It's not hard to get him talking─the problem is stopping him!让他谈话并不难——难的是让他住口!

【八】接过去分词作宾补常用动词有(have, get, make, leave,see, hear,keep)

1have sb/sth done让某事做成/蒙受/他人所为的后果/他人/为你做某事

She had her bag stolen.她的包被偷了。

We’11 have your blood tested.我们来给你验一下血。

2get sb/sth done 使(某事)发生/使完成(某事)

I must get my hair cut.我得理发了。

It was best to get things done quickly. 最好是赶快把事情弄完。

3make sb/sth done使变得/使成为

Can you make yourself understood in Russian?你能用俄语表达你的意思吗?

She couldn't make herself heard above the noise of the traffic.车辆噪音很大,她无法让人听到她的声音

4leave sb/sth done 使保留,让处于(某种状态、某地等)

He left the sentence unfinished. 他没说完那句话。

She left her questions unanswered.她没有回答她的问题

5see sb/sth done 看见某人某物被做某事

I saw Tom’s both hands tied beind his back.我看见汤姆双手被绑在他的背后。

I saw a fat pig killed .我看见一个肥猪被宰杀了。

6hear sb/sth done听见某人/某事被做。

I heard my name called.   我听到有人叫我的名字。

I've heard him criticized many times.  我听见他被批评了好多次。

7keep sb/sth done(使)某人/某物保持/处于被做状态

She kept the children amused for hours.她陪孩子们玩了好几个小时。

Keep me informed about what happens.  随时向我报告情况.

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