referential NP=referential noun phrase,汉译为指称性名词短语。英语的名词词组有指称性用法(referential use)和非指称性用法(non-referential use)之区分。当一个名词词组被用来指称现实世界或虚拟世界中的某个或某组可独立辨识的实体(entity)时,这个名词词组就是referential NP。例如:
Did Mary call while I was out? 这个句子中的Mary就是指名叫玛丽的那个女子。本句中Mary就是一个referential NP。
Did anyone call while I was out? 这个句子中anyone并没有指具体某个人,所以是non-referential NP。
Mary is a common name for women. 这个句子中的Mary并不指具体某个人,所以是non-reterential.
I gave the book to a student. 该句中a student指具体某个学生,所以是referential NP。
Mary is a student. 该句中中a student并非指具体某个学生,所以是non-referential NP。
更多内容可以参读剑桥英语语法399页 8 Referential and non-referential uses of NPs。
【A】NP是Noun Phrase(名词短语/词组)的缩写形式,主要指带有前置修饰语或者后置修饰语的名词短语。
a big house; a beautiful girl; five apples; many people.
the book on the table, a horse running on the grass. the birds in the tree
【B】referential noun phrase为“指称名词短语”
Tom bought three apples and ate them yesterday.
备注:them指代前面名词短语three apples.
【C】referential noun phrase为“指称名词短语”分为限定名词短语和非限定名词短语。
【1】限定名词短语:the present US president; Tom’s eldest son
【2】非限定名词短语:a very nice present;a beautiful girl