2 with用法疑惑

Of course, it wasn't as simple as that. When I came out of hospital I found I was getting it wrong with quite a lot of people, because they didn't look at it the same way as I did. And again, I think if you're going to die around the age of 50, far more people are involved than if you're dying when you're really old. You know, it's fairly threatening to people of your own age, they see you in the middle of a fairly busy life suddenly stopping-and they find it unacceptable. This business again of getting them to give me permission to die. . .

 Several of my friends still feel very angry and bitter about it and just won't accept it. In consequence they tell me I shouldn't accept it. I get all these stories about these heroic people who have organ after organ removed and say, I'm not going to die; I'm going to live; and they go on, year after year. It makes me feel I'm being terribly feeble. I feel rather guilty, as if what they're saying is, well, you're not trying hard enough.

 I can't really see what else I could be doing. I'm very confused about all this. I don't quite understand what I ought to do. Well, I suppose one could be a Chichester and rush across the Atlantic in a boat. But you know, really, I'm too tired for that. I think what I want to say to people is that if you're in this situation it isn't nearly as bad as people who try and put themselves in your position think it is.

 For one thing, other people come to it cold, whereas I've been doing my homework on it for the last two years. I've got used to the idea and have come to the point of acceptance gradually. The other thing is that they're feeling well and vigorous, with lots of things they're in the middle of doing.

状语中with lots of things they're in the middle of doing的with理解为伴随,还是表原因?

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最佳答案 2023-11-25 18:06

with介词//  lots of things宾语//  they're in the middle of doing定语从句// .

备注(1):以上为介词短语作非限制性定语修饰前面代词they,不是with的复合结构。即with +名词+宾补结构

备注(2):in the middle of doing sth忙于做某事相当于be busy doing sth忙于做某事

备注(3):with+宾语(lots of things)+后置定语构成的介词短语相当于非限制性定语从句就是who have lots of things (关系代词that省略) they are in the middle of doing,相当于 They have lots of things (that省略) they are in the middle of doing

The other thing主语//  is系动词//  that they're feeling well and vigorous表语从句// , with lots of things they're in the middle of doing非限制性定语// .


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