3 flourish, down, back to 的问题

1. Helping forests flourish as valuable "carbon sinks " long into the future may require reducing their capacity to absorb carbon now.

问题1: 请教老师,这个long into介词短语怎么分析呢?是作flourish的时间状语吗?

2. The country produces only about 60 per cent of the food it eats , down from almost three-quarters in the late 1980s.

问题2: 老师,这个介词from是补足副词down的吗?另外,这种副词加介词的组合整体应该看成是副词短语还是介词短语呢?书上一会儿说副词短语,一会儿说介词短语的。针对这个句子而言,down from是作什么状语呢?

3.A move back to self-sufficiency would boost the farming industry , political sovereignity and even the national's health.

问题3: 同样的问题,介词短语to是补充副词back的吗?然后back to到底该称为副词短语还是介词短语呢?

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最佳答案 2023-11-21 07:19

1 long在此是副词,long into the futureflourish的时间状语。

2 down from是一个副词性短语,from介词短语修饰down,表示从什么基础下降。down from这个副词短语是对 60 per cent of the food it eats的补充说明。表示方位的副词可以作表语或后置修饰名词。

3 move back to 中,back表示方向,to表示目的地,二者从不同角度修饰move

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