I gazed upon the schoolroom into which he took me, as the most forlorn and desolate place I had ever seen.
介词短语as the most forlorn and desolate place 是做定语修饰前面的名词the schoolroom吗?
I 【主语】// gazed upon【谓语动词】// the schoolroom 【宾语】// into which he took me【限制性定语从句】// , as the most forlorn and desolate place I had ever seen【非限制性定语】// .
备注(1):as为介词 意思“像”,后面为名词短语+后置定语
备注(2):as后面内容构成介词短语作非限制性定语,用来进一步修饰描述the schoolroom特点。
备注(3):as the most forlorn and desolate place I had ever seen为介词短语作名词the schoolroom的非限制性定语。
as 【介词】//the most forlorn and desolate【前置定语】// place【中心名词】// (关系代词that省略)I had ever seen【定语从句/后置定语】// .