5 术语 Cooccurrence 所涵盖的范围问题

在浏览Randolph.Quirk的《A Comprehensive Grammar of English Language》中有关状语的相关章节时,经常可以遇到“Cooccurrence”这一术语,汉译本将其翻译为同现,维基百科对其的解释是:

“In linguistics, co-occurrence or cooccurrence is an above-chance frequency of ordered occurrence of two adjacent terms in a text corpus. Co-occurrence in this linguistic sense can be interpreted as an indicator of semantic proximity or an idiomatic expression. Corpus linguistics and its statistic analyses reveal patterns of co-occurrences within a language and enable to work out typical collocations for its lexical items. A co-occurrence restriction is identified when linguistic elements never occur together. Analysis of these restrictions can lead to discoveries about the structure and development of a language.”
——Kroeger, Paul (2005). Analyzing Grammar: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.







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最佳答案 2023-09-04 06:13

夸克英语语法大全中cooccurrence一共出现了59处。你只需根据上下文以及例句,就能知道每一处的cooccurrence是什么意思。比如,形容词naughty作表语,系词be可以用进行体。He is being naughty.  原文如下:. Although adjectives are primarily
stative in meaning (tall, red, old), some, such as naughty or insolent, can
resemble verbs in referring to transitory conditions of behaviour or activity.
This is reflected in the possibility of their cooccurrence with the progressive
aspect of the verb BE。
又如,疑问词who, whom,which可以和任何动词连用。但作为融合型关系代词,它们则只能用于少数动词(choose,want, like, wish, please). 即作为融合型关系代词,它们与动词的共现受到限制(只限于极少数动词)。原文如下:
 Who, whom, and which are common in interrogative clauses, but in
nominal relative clauses they are restricted to cooccurrence with a small
semantic class of verbs (choose, like, please, want, wish);
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