Purchasing has been referred to as doing “the five rights”: getting the right quality, in the right quantity, at the right time, for the right price, from the right source.
请问: for the right price,这里为什么不用at the right price?
采购的交付时间是有偏差的,一般是2-3天左右。提前交付,肯定占用仓储空间推;而延后交付则会影响生产计划;所以何时交付,决定权在己方,你自己可以根据实际情况来确定什么时间是最佳交付时间,在你认为的最佳时间(at the right time)交付货物;
而从落单到供应商安排生产会有个所谓的备料前置期,少则2到3天,多则2到3个月,而在这个前置期,产品的价格是完全有可能发生变化的,但是不论价格如何波动,都必须按照订单的价格交付;所以定价权不在自己手上,订单一旦达成,己方是无法再以最佳价格(at the right price)出售(购入),只能根据订单价格来(for the price)来出售(购入);
用at the right price也不是不可以,但前文at the right time中已经用了at,后面改用 for显得用词更具多样性,这在修辞上是值得鼓励的。英文中,for和price虽然不是经典搭配,但也并无违和感,意思也没有明显区别,汉译时可灵活处理,比如有时亦可把for...译成“用...代价”等。以下两句源于美国《时代周刊》:
The Caravelle's victory was a classic case of a hustling company's building the right plane at the right time for the right price.
Almost anything-and almost anyone-could be bought for the right price.
注意第一句,for the right price也是用在at the right time之后。