

The principal room is built on the south-north axis, and two wing rooms are located on both sides of it. The family elders live in the principal room and wings are the bedrooms for the younger generations.


(1)“南北走向”可译为 north-south axis 吗?

(2) wings are the bedrooms for the younger generations 如何改写为以 the younger generations live in... 开头的句子?

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最佳答案 2015-12-21 13:10

(1)“南北走向”可译为 north-south axis 吗?

完全可以,而且习惯上应该是这样,即先说 north,后说 south。又如:

The grid lines on the map run northsouth. 地图上的坐标线呈南北走向。

又如以下方位,习惯上也与汉语完全相反:northeast 东北 / southeast 东南 / northwest 西北 / southwest 西南。如:

▲northeast 东北

the northeastern states of the US  美国东北部各州

The wind blew from the northeast.  风从东北方向吹来。

They set off in a northeasterly direction.  他们向东北方向出发。

He headed northeast across the open sea.  他向那片公海的东北方向行进。

The northeast of the country is ill-served by the rail network.  该国的东北部铁路网络不完善。

southeast 东南

the southeast quarter of the city 该市的东南部分

We continued southeast to Kells. 我们继续往东南方向走直到凯尔斯。

the largest area of inland water in the southeast 东南部最大的内陆水域

Snow will spread to southeasterly regions tonight. 今晚降雪将蔓延到东南地区。

She’s now assistant marketing manager for the southeast area. 她现在是东南地区的助理营销经理。

northwest 西北

a town in northwestern Canada 加拿大西北部的一座城镇

We headed off in a northwesterly direction. 我们向西北方向进发。

Mackenzie River is the longest river inCanada, flowing 1,700 km (1,060 miles) north-westwards from the Great Slave Lake to the Beaufort Sea, a part of the Arctic Ocean. 马更些河是加拿大最长的河流,长1,700公里,即1,060英里,西北走向,源于大奴湖,注入北冰洋的波弗特海。

northsouth 南北

The grid lines on the map run northsouth. 地图上的坐标线呈南北走向。

the exact demarcation of the north-south boundary 南北分界线的精确界定

Apennines is a mountain range running 1,400 km (880 miles) down the length ofItaly, from the north-west to the southern tip of the peninsula. 亚平宁山脉纵贯意大利南北,从西北部向南延伸1,400公里,即880英里,直至亚平宁半岛南端。

Most of Manhattan is laid out in / on a grid pattern with avenues going north-south and streets east-west. 在曼哈顿的大部分地区呈网格状排列,东西向和南北向的大街交织在一起。

southwest 西南

the southwest corner of France 法国的西南隅

southwestern Colorado  科罗拉多的西南部

strong wind blowing from the south-west  西南强风

There will be rain in the Southwest.  西南部将会有雨。

I come from the southwest part of the island.  我来自那个岛的西南部。

They were travelling in a southwesterly direction. 他们正向西南方向行进。

The plane was flying in a southwesterly direction. 这架飞机正飞往西南方向。

The plane flew southwest towardEgypt. 这架飞机往西南方向朝埃及飞去。

They moved southwest in an attempt to find better land. 他们搬到了西南部,希望能找到更好的土地。

The river runs through the southwest quadrant of the city. 那条河流经城市的西南区。

There were very few border controls on the southwestern frontier. 西南国界上没几个边境检查站。

(2) wings are the bedrooms for the younger generations 如何改写为以 the younger generations live in... 开头的句子?

可以改写为:the younger generations live in the wings (wing rooms).

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