For example, you might have an innovative business concept, but not enough capital to get it off the ground. It is impractical to get into sports or some professional careers past a certain age.Talk to people who have followed the route you are favoring to determine if it is an available option for you.
A. Remove the blocks that drag you down.
B. Identify blocks that may affect your goal.
这里没有提到要把障碍“解决掉”(remove)。根据文中的"impractical"和"determine if it is an available option“可知,有些想法/目标是不现实的……你要确定这种想法/目标是不是可行——可行就坚持,不可行就放弃。也就是,识别障碍——障碍可以逾越,就坚持目标,障碍不可逾越,那也只能放弃目标。