



What surprised me most was that Tom even didn’t know whether there was any difference between the two words that he had learned when I met and asked him the other day.

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最佳答案 2014-03-19 13:11


If you think as I do, vote as I do. 你要是和我想法一样,那就和我投一样的票吧。

If you think (that) I’m happy with what’s left, you’re very wrong. 如果你认为我对剩下的很满意,那你就大错特错了。

You can only judge how high something is when you know how far away it is. 知道了某物的距离才能判断其高度。

Whether he is innocent or guilty is a decision that will be made when the case is tried in court. 他有罪与否,等案件在法庭受审后就会作出判决。

If you buy a drier, look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry.  你若要买烘干机,找一台带感应器的,可以在衣服干的时候自动断电。


If you have a complaint about the shoes which are bought from a shop which is covered by the Footwear Code, there are several ways (in which) you can put the matter right.  如果对在Footwear Code旗下零售店里买的鞋有不满意的地方,有几种解决问题的方式。

If the engine stops working (though it rarely occurs), there’s not much (that) the engineer can do about it until the plane is back on the ground.  如果引擎坏了(虽然这极少发生),那么在飞机着陆之前工程师也无能为力。


If your job is a high-stress one which needs great patience, it is important that you should learn how you cope with it carefully, which many people don’t really realize.  如果你从事一份需要极大耐心的高压工作,你一定要学会如何仔细应对,这一点很多人并没真正意识到。

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其它 1 个回答

黎反修   - 英语翻译 (已退休)
What surprised me most是主语从句,that Tom even didn’t know whether there was any difference between the two words that he had learned when I met and asked him the other day表语从句,whether there was any difference between the two words that he had learned when I met and asked him the other day宾语从句,that he had learned when I met and asked him the other day 是定语从句,  when I met and asked him the other day是时间状语从句。全句译文:最使我感到惊奇的(事情)是汤姆甚至不知道几天前我遇见和问他时他学过的那两个词之间是否有不同之处。
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  • 刘永科   提出于 2014-03-18 09:22
