be spent doing sth中的介词in能不能省略


The whole morning was spent _____ doing my homework yesterday.

A. in  B. 不填  C. A or B

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最佳答案 2023-02-07 18:03

此题答案选C。借此机会说一下spend on, spend forspend in的用法(你的问题可参看第3):



He has spent two yuan on sweets.

He has spent two yuan in sweets.

He has spent two yuan for sweets.

1. 当表示花钱做某事时要用on而不用for。例如:

All his spare money was spent on his garden. 他的全部余钱都花在庭院布置上。《英语介词习语词典》

2. 当表示花钱做某事用“on/in+动名词”时,可将onin省去而使动名词转换为现在分词。例如:

We have spent money (on) refurbishing the offices. 我们已经花钱对办公室进行了翻新。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解词典》

He spends a lot of money (in) entertaining his friends. 他花很多钱款待他的朋友。《21世纪英汉汉英双向词典》

3. 表示花时间作某事常用“in+动名词”,但in也常被省略。例如:

He spends his spare time visiting workers. 他空余时间都用来探望工人。(张道真《英语常用动词用法词典》)


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其它 2 个回答


我顺着黎老师的提示,在章振邦主编的《新编高级英语语法》(2012年版)的p419找到:但是在 spend 的被动结构后,一般不可省略in

The whole morning seemed to be spent in loading the car with a variety of bags, baskets and mysterious parcels.

不过,我觉得这并不符合语言实际,事实上,在 spend 的被动结构后,省略in的用法非常普遍。如以下例句均摘自《柯林斯高级英语词典》:

These days much of my time is spent weaving my way around drinks parties. 这些天,我多半都是在酒会上晃悠过去的。

My mornings are spent rushing around after him. 我每天早上都跟着他到处跑。

My working days were spent mooning round his department, trying to sneak a chance encounter. 上班时我在他的部门转来转去,暗中寻找巧遇他的机会。

Too much time was spent discussing tangential issues. 太多的时间花在了讨论那些无关紧要的问题上。

Too much time is spent worrying over that which one can’t change. 太多的时间花在了担心那些我们无力改变的事情上。

所以我觉得网友的题目答案应选 C

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