4 which用作关系限定词的用法

关于 which 用作关系代词引导定语从句,我可以理解。

which 用作关系限定词的用法就不太熟悉了。

好像很少见于 which 后面接名词后再引导定语从句吧!

请专家老师举例说明一下! 谢谢!

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2 个回答

huck finn   - 语言学爱好者





1. 当先行项是主句中的名词成分时,关系限定词which之后的名词通常是前面名词成分的上位词

2. 当先行项是整个主句所表示的一种情况时,

2.1 关系限定词which之后的名词是对前面情况的一种总结概括

2.2 关系限定词which之后的名词是对主句与从句之间潜在逻辑语义关系的一种明确。


1. Tom spent four years in collegeduring which time he learned French.


2.1 I called him by the wrong namefor which mistake I apologized.


2.2 It is suggested that a transformer be fixed to the fluorescent lightby which means electrical force can be changed.


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千千学堂   - 英语图书编辑

which 引导定语从句时,它在从句中主要用作主语或宾语,但有时也可用作定语,在意义上大致相当于 this  that。给你几个例句,请注意体会:

We told him to consult the doctor, which advice he took. 我们叫他去看医生,他听取了我们的劝告。

He is studying economics, which knowledge is very important today. 他学经济学,这种知识现今很重要。

He lost his temper, at which point I decided to go home. 他发脾气了,这时我就决定回家了。

We arrived at noon, by which time the demonstration was over. 我们是中午到的,这时游行业已结束。

Tom spent four years in college, during which time he learned French. 汤姆上了四年大学,在此期间他学了法语。

I called him by the wrong name for which mistake I apologize. 我叫错了他的名字,为了这个错误我愿道歉。

He may possibly decide not to come, in which case there’s no problem. 他可能会决定不来,这样就没问题了。

注意,它与用作定语的关系代词 whose 用法不同——whose 引导定语从句时,它在意义上大致相当于 one's。如:

Wolves are highly social animals whose success depends upon cooperation. 狼是高度群体化的动物,它们的成功依赖于合作。

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  • 黄民贵   提出于 2022-12-11 22:30