4 句子结构分析:it came to me how much easier it would be


Simply saying thank you doesn’t seem enough in certain situations, I was considering this while working as a nurse just a few weeks ago. And it came to me then how much easier it would be if we had a range of words that express different grades of gratitude.


1.主干句子It came to me then how much easier it would be 中出现的两个it的用法。

2.How much easier it would be是什么句式?

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最佳答案 2022-12-02 09:50

it came to me then how much easier it would be if we had a range of words that express different grades of gratitude.

1)整个句子主干为it came to me then,第一个it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的how much easier it would be if we had a range of words that express different grades of gratitude——即后面整体作主语从句。

2)这个主语从句本身又由主句+从句构成,主句为how much easier it would be,这里的it为代词,表示if ...条件成立之后出现的情况,if引导条件状语从句(if意思为假如)。也会有人将这里的it分析为形式主语,真正主语是if从句(个人以为这样会造成混乱,而倾向于将if表示是否”分析为引导名词性从句,表示假如”分析为引导状语从句)。

3how much easier it would be原本是个感叹句句型(就像How happy he is!),在1)中所说的主语从句里作主句。


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  • 尤海林   提出于 2022-12-02 01:55
