

(1) Understanding leads to trust. Today, I would like to speak to you about China’s development strategy and its future against the backdrop of the evolution of the Chinese civilization and China’s current development endeavor. I hope this will help you gain a better understanding of China.

疑问:句中为何用的是 its 而不是 it’s 呢?

(2) Vast as it is, the Pacific Ocean has not stood in the way of exchanges and cooperation between our two peoples over the past two hundred years, and many moving episodes of mutual learning and mutual help between our two peoples who represent different civilizations have been recorded.

疑问:People已经是复数了,为什么在这句话中要用 peoples 呢?

(3) 老师,有时候我提问发表时,界面会跳出 illegal operation,这是为何呀 ?

 Thanks a lot.

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最佳答案 2015-11-25 23:17


its 叫作物主代词,作定语用,意思是“它的”。例如:

The tree is very tall, and its leaves are yellow.

it’s 是it is 或it has 的缩写,是句子的主谓成分。例如:

The tree is very tall, and it’s yellow leaves. (it’s=it has)

The tree is very tall, and it’s one hundred years old. (it’s=it is)


people 有两种含义,当它表示“人”时,它本身就是复数形式;当它表示“民族”时,是可数名词,可以加s。例如:

five people 五个人

five peoples 五个民族


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  • speed_eriko 提出于 2015-11-24 22:57
