2 than的词性


than的词性可以是介词和从属连词,充当句中的比较状语结构;than充当从属连词引导比较状语从句时,通常省略与主句相同的成分;我想向曹老师请教一下,关于than 后面的 to do和省略to的不定式,该如何分析后面的省略部分;类似于how to do实际上是how we are to do的省略式;

1.I was thinking about all sorts of mechanical ways of how we can live more in tune with the environment rather than to exploit it

问题:rather than后面本质上是(we are ) to exploit it的省略吗??

2.They thus increased their annual grain production rather than diminish it . 本句为rather than 后面的to do不定式省略了 to.

是否也是( they were to ) diminish it 的省略?

3.He stayed at home rather than go out. 本句也为rather than 后面的to do不定式省略了 to.

是否也是(he was to ) go out 的省略??


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最佳答案 2022-11-19 08:31

rather than合在一起使用时,整体按照复合介词或准并列连词分析。当用作复合介词时,可以后接名词、动名词或不定式。不要试图补全所谓的than分句。

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