2 分析: Not had many recruiters contact you.


Have you applied for jobs on our website, but not had many recruiters contact you yet?

我想问,这里的【not had many recruiters contact you】是不是有语法错误?



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最佳答案 2022-11-21 05:45

but not had many recruiters contact you yet not had...为过去分词短语,即but并列的是二个过去分词短语:have done A but not done B.  have sb do sth 结构中,have除了为使役动词外,还可以表示经历。例如韦氏高阶的释义和例句:to experience (something)

She's had many strange things happen to her recently.

你的这个句子中have不是使役动词,而是表示经历意义的动态动词。contact you为不带to的不定式作have的宾补。句子是正确无误的。

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其它 1 个回答

成都老沈骑游 - 退休

but not常在一起搭配使用,例如:

But not murder 并非谋杀

She was beautiful but not good. 她美丽却不善良

Noah was a charity-boy, but not a workhouse orphan. 诺厄是个慈善学校的男孩,但并不是济贫院里的孤儿。

问题中的but not had many recruiters contact you没有错,英语习惯上not开头的句子,had要放在主语前边。不过这句话有玄外知音:你递交了工作申请,为啥老板没有通知你,这就不能怪老板了,只能怪你自己,这里的yet不要忽视了,它传达这样一种语气:used to introduce a fact, situation, or quality that is surprising after what you have just said.用于表达刚才说的后,一个事实,情况,品质,这种事实,情况,品质使人惊讶,结合前句,在网上提交工作申请,事实上没有老板联系你,这一点的确叫人惊讶。言外之意就是不能怪老板哦,只能怪自己哦。用英文解释大意可以是;You don' t blame many recruiters. They don't want you. NO fault with  them and fault with you.

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  • 英语学习者 提出于 2022-11-18 07:36
