2 关于介词宾语从句的疑问

Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa 【主语从句】//often【频度状语】 //depends on【谓语动词】// the issue of which is seen as the driving force.【宾语】

在该句中,最后这部分,of whichforcethe issue的后置定语,which为宾语从句连接代词,of表示同位关系,of为什么是同位关系?

如果在含有of which的定语从句中,这种算是嵌入式定语从句吗?还是含有of which的宾语从句,才是嵌入式定语从句?

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最佳答案 2022-12-11 13:34

在该句中,最后这部分,of whichforcethe issue的后置定语,which为宾语从句连接代词,of表示同位关系,of为什么是同位关系?

解答:the issue of which is seen as the driving force,介词of 后面宾语从句是用来说明前面名词(issue=问题)具体内容,所以说介词of表示同位关系。即“哪种被看作驱动力的问题”

如果在含有of which的定语从句中,这种算是嵌入式定语从句吗?还是含有of which的宾语从句,才是嵌入式定语从句?

解答:of which不是引导定语从句,而是of which引导宾语从句,所以根本不存在嵌入式定语从句,嵌入式定语从句指的是,嵌入式定语从句是含有一套主句+从句的主从复合句,即嵌入式分句作主句的从句。最重要的是,引导定语从句关系词是在从句作成分,即在宾语从句作成分,不是在主句作成分。


He is the only person who we expect will win. 他是唯一我们希望会获胜的人。

【先行词=the only person, 关系词=who,主语+谓语动词=we expect ,宾语从句=who will win,关系代词who代替the only person并在宾语从句作主语】

Whether the Government should increase the financing of pure science at the expense of technology or vice versa【主语从句】//often【频度状语】 //depends on【谓语动词】// the issue of which is seen as the driving force.【宾语】

解答:the issue of which is seen as the driving force为一个带有后置定语的名词短语,the issue为中性词,of which is seen as the driving force为介词短语作后置定语。


1the issue为中心词(问题)

2of which is seen as the driving force(哪种被看作为驱动力)

3which is seen as the driving force为疑问词which引导的名词性疑问分句作介词of的宾语,疑问词在宾语从句作主语成分(或者连接代词引导介词宾语从句,并在宾语从句作主语),由于which为疑问词引导疑问分句,所以which含有疑问意思,即哪一个/哪种,整个短语意思哪种被看作为驱动力

4is seen为宾语从句谓语动词(被看作)

5as the driving force为宾语从句主语补足语.结构为A be seen as B =A被看作B

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