2 start sb out的用法疑问


She didn't hand in her first two assignments for chemistry, which started her out in the class with a failing grade.

字典中start out意思是开始,出发等等。但是没有start sb out的用法。单看start,韦氏高阶字典有使(某人)以…方式开始的意思,例句The company started him at the same salary he had been getting at his previous job.与上句十分接近。我的问题是,如果是这种解释,四级阅读里的这个句子start作使(某人)以…方式的意思,这里的"方式"这个意思用了副词out +两个介词词组in the class with a failing grade三个部分来组合表达。可以这样不用起连接作用的词简单罗列吗?感觉有点冗长。或者start sb out有别的解释?

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最佳答案 2022-11-04 12:35

start sb out 的意思是”让某人从一开始就如何”的意思。这句话的意思是:她头两次的化学作业没提交,这使得她在班里一开始就成绩不及格。in the class 地点状语,with a failing grade 可以理解为看作是一种方式。状语并列一般不需要连接词。请看这个外刊例句:


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  • aspenpiano 提出于 2022-10-29 11:23
