7 怎样理解:earthworms gain 14% less body weight when operating under rubber

But now britons have fallen in love with artificial grass.Evergreen UK,which sells the stuff,says it has seen a 120% rise in sales since 2015. Artificial grass is popular with families who have children or dogs and don’t want mud dragged through their houses. It has another charming factor,too - people now see gardens as “outside rooms”- pairing carpet of artificial grass with delicately decorated seating and hot containers.           

Not everyone is a fan. Artificial grass contains microplastics that ruins soil and risk flooding. A study finds earthworms gain 14% less body weight when operating under rubber, a form of artificial grass, which might not be a problem for its fans,as wormholes are regular disgusting things,but it disappoints green types. Ms Davison of the RHS(皇家园艺学会)says a group of wildlife-loving gardeners is booming,many having caught the bug during COVID-19 lockdowns. For example, a landscape designer says they like things less neat and try “to capture that wild element”.These eco-gardeners are influenced by rewilding project and are more likely to be environmentalists.



1. 上面第二段黑体字earthworms gain 14% less body weight when operating under rubberoperate在这里是什么意思、gain 14% less body weight语法怎样分析?

2. 上面第二段的黑体文字 Ms Davison of the RHS(皇家园艺学会)says a group of wildlife-loving gardeners is booming,many having caught the bug during COVID-19 lockdowns. For example, a landscape designer says they like things less neat and try “to capture that wild element”怎样翻译?


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最佳答案 2022-10-16 09:48

“Ms Davison of the RHS(皇家园艺学会)says a group of wildlife-loving gardeners is booming, many having caught the bug during COVID-19 lockdowns.” 

据此语境,我认为此句后半部分应该理解为:在封城期间,很多人抓到了这种小虫(指蚯蚓)这里的bug不是病毒的意思,指蚯蚓。这样也和句中提到的wild-loving gardeners 逻辑是一致的。

bug 在英语里有不同含义,通常指小虫,尽管有时也可以指细菌病毒,要根据语境判断。请看外刊出现的指蚯蚓的例句截图:



语言文化背景介绍:在西方国家,在新冠疫情封城期间,大家不上班,很多人在家无聊,会整理自己的garden(因为很多家庭都住house, 是有自己的花园的,所以整理花园是会看到蚯蚓)。



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其它 1 个回答

陈才   - 英语教师

1A study finds (that省略)earthworms gain 14% less body weight when(they are省略) operating under rubber



A study主语// finds 谓语动词//that earthworms gain 14% less body weight when(they are省略) operating under rubber宾语从句


that连词// earthworms主语// gain谓语动词// 14% less body weight 宾语//when(they are省略) operating under rubber时间状语从句

备注:under rubber为介词短语作地点状语,修饰谓语动词are operating或者修饰现在分词operating。

2Ms Davison of the RHS(皇家园艺学会)says ( that省略)a group of wildlife-loving gardeners is booming,many having caught the bug during COVID-19 lockdowns. For example, a landscape designer says (that省略)they like things less neat and try “to capture that wild element”.


备注:many having caught the bug during COVID-19 lockdowns.为代词+现在分词完成体的独立主格结构作状语。

分句AMs Davison of the RHS(皇家园艺学会)主语//says 谓语动词//(that省略) a group of wildlife-loving gardeners is booming宾语从句//

独立主格结构B,many having caught the bug during COVID-19 lockdowns.

分句CFor example, a landscape designer主语// says谓语动词 (that省略) they like things less neat and try “to capture that wild element”宾语从句//


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  • 尤海林   提出于 2022-10-15 22:41
