2 step down as 的理解


In 2018Musk had to pay a $20 million fine and had to step down as chairman for three years after triggering an S EC investigation when she tweeded about taking Tesla private

我想这句话中step down是一个动词短语,后面紧跟的单词as是介词,但以前没有见过动词短语后面紧跟介词的使用,请帮助举出类似表达方式。句子末尾单词private是形容词词性,但前面单词take是动词,在这里形容词 private怎么能修饰动词呢?

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最佳答案 2022-10-10 18:45


1step down as+职业名词 表示不再担任某种职务/辞去某种职务/职位

Blair has said he will step down as prime minister before September.  


There has been speculation that he may step down as president next month.  


2take Tesla(to be省略) private。把特斯拉(Tesla)当作是私人的/私有的/私营的

以上结构可以看作为省略不定式to be只保留形容词

I take him (to be) sincere.我当他是诚恳的。

She took it (to be) a snake.她把那东西当成蛇。

I take this(to be) ironical.我认为这是句挖苦话。

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  • 学英语   提出于 2022-10-10 15:13