3 独立主格的疑问


All the stones are very heavy, one of them weighing over 3 tons. 所有的石头都很重,其中有一块重达三吨多。(作状语,补充说明,不用with的复合结构)



2)这个句子 them不是宾格吗?如果它是独立主格,不应该是they吗?

3Here are the first two volumes, the third one to come out next month.按这个说法,不能改成:Here are the first two volumes, with the third one to come out next month.

4The boy was crying with the vase broken. with the vase broken是不是补充说明,为什么可以用with

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2 个回答




2)这个句子 them不是宾格吗?如果它是独立主格,不应该是they吗?

答:主格是由one 来承担的。one of them, them做介词宾语,你说能用one of they吗? 不能英语越学越糊涂呀。
3Here are the first two volumes, the third one to come out next month.按这个说法,不能改成:Here are the first two volumes, with the third one to come out next month.

答:可以用with. 至少我的语感是可以这样用。

4The boy was crying with the vase broken. with the vase broken是不是补充说明,为什么可以用with

答:with the vase broken. 说明原因。这里不用with 反而不对。假如你这样写:The boy was crying, the vase broken. 意思似乎是孩子能把花瓶哭碎了,这也太神奇了吧。

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陈才   - 英语教师

1All the stones are very heavy, one of them weighing over 3 tons.

=All the stones are very heavy and one of them weighs over 3 tons.(并列句)

备注:以上one of them weighing over 3 tons.是代词one of them+现在分词weighing over 3 ton构成独立主格结构作补充性状语。(one为代词,of them为介词短语修饰前面代词one,宾格代词指代前面复数名词all the stones)

2Here are the first two volumes, the third one to come out next month.

=Here are the first two volumes and third one will come out next month.(并列句)

备注:以上“the third one(名词) +to come out next month(不定式).”构成独立主格结构完全可以使用with +名词+不定式,即 with the third one to come out next month. 

【3The boy was crying with the vase broken. 

=The boy was crying because the vase was broken.(从属连词because引导原因状语从句)

备注:以上“with(介词)+the vase(名词) +broken(过去分词).”构成独立主格结构完全可以这样使用。


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